<p>So, S pasted in his essay with a line space between paragraphs and no indentation on the first word of each paragraph. But when he goes to preview it, it looks like there are about four or five empty lines between paragraphs!</p>
<p>Should have done the paragraph indenting without the line break between graphs?</p>
<p>I think your situation is so specific that it is hard for anyone here to answer. It really depends on how you formatted it originally and what editor you used. For example, using “styles” in Word is highly recommended because of this exact problem. You can either go back to your document and reformat correctly or just do trial and error adjustments until it looks right.</p>
<p>Same thing happened to S. He added 4 spaces to indent the paragraphs but those were stripped out when he previewed. He added empty line between paragraphs but those became multiple empty lines when he previewed. He deleted the empty line between paragraphs and the essay looked fine with some spacing between paragraphs.</p>
<p>Deleting the lines didn’t seem to do anything (neither did using a text only format). Still at least four empty lines. Oh well. Going back to the document and reformatting various ways did nothing either. Can you tell me what you mean by “he deleted the empty line…”? I’m not sure what using “style” in word means, either.</p>