essays- what do they want to hear?

Im extremely worried that the prompt essay i sent to madison may change my future decision.

I consider myself a pretty high candidate for admission, 34 act, 3.8 unweighted gpa, president of best buddies, many extracurriculars, etc.
I decided to take a different approach to “what is something that is unnoticed in your life and describe how it important to you”. i talked about how students with disabilities (best buddies) are unnoticed in our day-to-day society but why it is important to me to change that. it was a pretty short but well written essay and i was initially happy with it. going back, i’m now scared that they will not understand my approach to the prompt and make that a deciding factor of my admission. this is the only school that i am applying to and am extremely reliant on going here. is this fear not necessary or is there reason for it?

Given your stats you don’t have much to worry about. And it sounds like you answered the prompt just fine and wrote about something dear to you - it’s an open-ended topic so there is no one right way to answer as long as you took the essay component seriously and didn’t submit something plagiarized or full of spelling and grammar mistakes. With over 30,000 applications to go through they are not going to spend a whole lot of time on the essay. You are most likely safe. Congrats and good luck!