Establish residence in Cailfornia to attend UC

I lam a senior from Wyoming. UCBerkeley is my dream school. I am applying to 4 UC schools asan out-of-state candidate.
If I don’t get scholarship from UC, I won’t be able to afford it ($12K in-stae tuition vs $32K out-of-state). If I gain admission, I intend to request for 1-year deferral and moved to live in California for 1-year and hope to qualify for in-state tuition. Has anyone done this ? Will UC consider this an “illegal” chess move ?

No financial aid at the UC’s for OOS students. They will see through your game.

You can get that information from their website. No, this will not work. People moving to California for the sake of attending a CA college will not be able to get state tuition rates. That rate is for people who have supported the school by paying state taxes.

"$12K in-stae tuition vs $32K out-of-state:…uh, I’m fairly sure this is wrong. It’s a lot more, I think? I’m a California resident, and I think its around $32k for me.


  1. UC’s do not defer. If you want to attend in Fall 2019, you would have to reapply
  2. To establish residency in California, you have to become an independent which means you must be 24 years of age and no longer receiving any kind of support from your family.

Unless a student is within commuting distance to any of the UC’s, you have to include tuition costs/room/board/books/transportation etc…

In-state costs for students living on campus for the UC’s is around $34K/year
Out of state costs for students living on campus for the UC’s is around $65K/year

UC’s give little to no financial aid (need-based or merit) to OOS students so expect to pay full fees.

You cannot come to California and expect to establish Residency to attend a UC school without your parents becoming a residents too.

Sorry, but you need to find other schools that will be more affordable. Have you looked at the WUE schools in which UC Merced participates???

If you have already applied, then you have just wasted your application fees. If not, then run each schools Net Price calculators. You need to use them before you apply to get your cost estimates.

I also suggest you read through this thread:

And also this link:

You won’t get a scholarship from the UC’s because you are not an established resident.
Berkeley is $60K per year.

The UC’s don’t do deferrals; they have too many students that apply each year to attend.
You need to live in California for two years and present your budget sheet to the residency determination office of the UC you hope to attend.

You must be self-supporting and follow your budget; you cannot accept any help from anyone. You cannot be claimed by a parent on their taxes. Expect to pay $2k per month on your rent. Because the rents are so high in California, most OOS students cannot afford to pay market rates with minimal jobs for two years. The costs are ridiculous. Those costs do not include utilities, food and transportation, (which, in California, is really tough). Your budget must match your W2’s. If anything is inconsistent, you will be denied in-state residency. Denials happen all of the time.

Thanks guys for all your insightful advice. I think I’ll try to talk to my dad about moving our family of 4 to CA. I know when I was little, my dad did mention something along those lines.

This is silly. You are going to uproot a family of 4 so you can get in-state tuition - there is no way that makes financial sense. I mean, just the difference in housing cost (especially in the Bay Area where a crappy 3 bedroom place might cost $4k+/mo) will offset any savings you get by being classified a resident. Also, the way i understand the rules, you’d need to wait a year even after moving the family. Few adults who’ve settled in Wyoming would be happy in one of CA’s urban centers.

Assuming you have Berkeley competitive stats, you should apply to several CA Privates. They will offer you merit scholarships to attend. LMU, USD and Santa Clara are worth a look. There are also lots of WUE schools - even a couple in Hawaii - that will be more practical options.

Before i get too far ahead of myself, what are your stats?