Estimate your admissions decision from UCD

<p>I took 56 courses. why cant ucsd point system for the semesters be like davis, otherwise people can just take the bare min number of courses and still get the same of points who took a whole lot more classes</p>

<p>(: It is how it is, godbreath.</p>

<p>I've seen these rubrics before (and done them), but how do people get access to these? Are they officially released by the UC system? Or does an insider spill the beans?</p>

<p>It's not a state secret. You can see these on their websites.</p>

<p>But I thought the websites don't have the points allotted to each category.</p>

<p>do they consider your school poor quality if you went to a third world country high school for a year a got a 4.0?</p>

<p>Hi Mikeymike</p>

<p>No, it is restricted to California public schools and their rating in a state-wide ranking.</p>

<p>Alright, Rider, u seem to know this system very well, can u answer me this:</p>

<p>Would captain of the football and track team be considered equal roles to "president" and "vice president" and therefore qualify me for full points for leadership? I also held some leadership positions in boy scouts (not ones equal to pres/vp).</p>

<p>What's the estimated cutoff for this year?</p>

Alright, Rider, u seem to know this system very well, can u answer me this:</p>

<p>Would captain of the football and track team be considered equal roles to "president" and "vice president" and therefore qualify me for full points for leadership? I also held some leadership positions in boy scouts (not ones equal to pres/vp).


<p>bump, really need this answered (getting anxious a week b4 decisions XD), will likely make or break my admission</p>

<p>Edit: does "must be two Pres/VP or equiv roles to get full credit" mean 2 different roles or can it be the same role for 2 "terms" (i.e. class president for 2 years)</p>

<p>I would say it'd give you full points, but perhaps rider knows more about this than I do.</p>

<p>Does a class at community college count as 1 semester of a-g or 2? because a class at cc goes on my high school transcript as 2 semesters lol
and for leadership:
If i was VP for a robotics club(that went to international competition against adversities), and Project manger for a start up web design company. would that count as :

two Pres/VP or equiv roles to get full credit


Thanks! only 8 more days!!!!!!! im so nervous lol</p>

<p>g0gat0rs23 - I would assume that captain of two teams would merit the full points for leadership roles. I don't think a project manager in a non-academic setting would qualify. </p>

<p>Also, doubt that two semesters as a pres of one club would be counted as two leadership roles. </p>

<p>On the other hand, this is not as rigorously described (externally) as is the rubric for UCSD. That is one of the reasons that this thread is an 'estimate your chances' and not a 'find out definitively' effort. UCDAdmissions might comment on the issue, but as he/she has not been commenting on these topics up until now, I suspect that the school is not interested in public dissemination of the exact rules for assigning points. </p>

<p>We shall all see how this works out in about a week.</p>

<p>This whole point system is crap. </p>

<p>If I was student whose parents didn't go to college, I went to a bad high school, and got a 3.0 without taking any AP's, I get MORE points then a middle class student who attends a good high school and gets a 4.0. </p>

<p>Having just two thirds of the admission requirements be academic factors is an absolute joke. I get punished because I didn't grow up disadvantaged and my parents worked hard to both get graduate degrees. It doesn't make sense to me.</p>

<p>I agree with you, but I guess it's all a matter of perception. To someone on the opposite side of the scale, it does seem fair. If you're ELC, though, you don't have to worry about it.</p>

<p>davis uses a point system too
im guessing ucsb does too right?</p>

<p>No, thankfully UCSB, my top choice school, does not have a point system.</p>

<p>on the uc davis admissions web site, it says academic factors are worth about 80%. On the spreadsheet, academics are worth only 68%, so the sheet might be off a bit, maybe weighing disadvantaged backgrounds too much or academics too little. Either way, like Rider said, we shall see by the end of this week</p>

<p>haha i replied to this thread in the wrong topic FAIL.</p>

<p>according to this my points accumulate to be 7630 but i didnt allot anything to 250 points dedicated to parents college education because i don't know how much points would be a bachelor degree parent and only some college at a cc would count for. either way itd be close ouch.</p>

<p>Two of my friends, both of whom have around 4.1 GPA and 2100's on SAT I and 700 SAT II's got rejected from Davis tonight. They're two of the most qualified people I know at my competitive high school. The point system needs to be taken away. Period.</p>