Estimate your admissions decision from UCSC

<p>Here is a spreadsheet that shows all the factors for freshmen admissions to UCSC. </p>

<p>[Google</a> Docs - ucsc score](<a href=“]Google”></p>

<p>You can calculate the points that you will likely be given by the admissions committee, then see if it is close to the estimated cutoff for last year. If you are significantly below 6000 total points, you are a reach. If you are significantly over the 6000 estimate, this is a safety. The actual cutoff is set by the admissions commitee after giving points to all applicants and then ranking them in order. They pick the point cutoff that gives them the desired number of acceptances for the incoming class. </p>

<p>There are factors that have a big swing effect, which is why you will see some applicants with high stats not admitted and some with much lower stats accepted. For example, someone who did more than 40 a-g courses, got all As in one of the a-g academic areas for all four years, and has a heavy load with honors and/or AP classes scheduled for senior year could get up to 1000 points, which is the formula equivalent of a 1.0 bump in GPA or of earning perfect SATs.</p>

<p>Here is the UCSC discussion of the point categories:</p>

<p>UCSC</a> Admissions - Freshman Admission</p>

<p>Scroll down a bit more than halfway to find the selection criteria described.</p>

<p>Key points - Volunteer activities don't count. Leadership roles don't count. Essay doesn't count. It is read solely to look for criteria to award points under the formula. </p>

<p>Note that senior year schedule is important here. AP/Honors classes, number of classes planned, and number of a-g courses total that will be completed at end of final semester.</p>

<p>bump to give applicants another look at their chances while waiting for the actual word to come out.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from UCSC or UC DAVIS yet?</p>

<p>I was accepted to Cal Poly SLO on February 11, 2009 Biological Sciences
Going to visit campus Thurs and Friday this week.</p>

<p>Okay, now I'm curious.
I've seen these posted for UCSD, UCD, and UCSC.
Does anyone know if there're any for the other UCs?
(I know UCB, UCLA, and UCI are all holistic, but I'm curious as to what the others look at, too).</p>

<p>For UCSB, about half of the decision comes from an interpretive section of "academic promise" and half comes from stats. See UCSB</a> Admissions</p>

<p>For each UC, you can generally find the details of how they admit on their web site (with the exception of UCB and UCLA). With the huge impact of the 'promise' ranking for UCSB, it didn't seem feasible to create the same sort of "chance yourself" sheet as worked for the other three.</p>

<p>Rider I think you helped me with this before with my score...but at the time I used my SAT score of 1590 and I got 1620 on the Dec 08 test.So....</p>

<p>My UC GPA is 3.42x1000=3420
SAT I+SAT II+SAT II+Highest SAT II score again/2

<p>GPA+Test scores=5055</p>

<p>I remember you put the cut around 6000 so mathematically speaking how much can I be under?</p>

<p>Adding other factors like Honors classes,Geographic location,hardships,a-g classes,etc i'm pretty sure I can squeeze in another 800-900 pts.</p>