<p>I'm applying to Yale EA, by quantitative standards I think I'm up to par at least for consideration (2380 SAT, 4.0 unweighted, 12 APs by end of high school, 3 800s on SAT IIs). I have pretty focused, passionate extracurriculars with leadership and awards.</p>
<p>My most important one, though, is Indian classical vocal music. I have national and international awards, have performed in several states and different countries, and have a recording contract in India. This summer I'm performing at an international arts festival in London during the Olympic season. I've been televised in India several times.</p>
<p>I'm planning to send a supplement to Yale with an audio sample, resume, and recommendation from a well-respected musician and teacher. However, I am really worried that none of this will help, because the people that read the supplements are much more familiar with Western classical/non-classical music than my ethnic tradition. It's very different from the Western style, and therefore it might not be easy to understand or gauge my level of ability. I know the supplement is only considered in the application process if it is sufficiently outstanding, so do you think the readers will put me through even if they don't quite understand the musical style?</p>