<p>I also wrote a quick email – basically said she was lucky enough to have choices, and weighed them all carefully but, in the end, went with her first choice. Then I thanked them for all of their help… got a one-liner back wishing her well.</p>
<p>My D contacted the schools herself. I felt that since she had been the main contact through out the process she needed to see it through. It was challenging for her to know what to write since she felt so grateful to be accepted. Hopefully the schools appreciated hearing directly from the student. One AO sent her a very nice reply wishing her luck at her new school. No reply from the others.</p>
<p>I was accepted into. Both my schools, but I knew immediately which one I would take though. I waited a few weeks until after schools weren’t so swamped with people asking a million and 1 questions! I sent in the little reply card thingy, and my parents wrote out a long letter to the head of admissions. They were so nice! I got at least an email every 3 days from various students, AOs, etc, so I felt bad turning them down. However, I just thought about how happy a waitlisted kid was going to be! I’m really happy with my decision!
I would write a letter, either you or your child, and obviously send back the little reycard if they have one. I hope your child really loves the school she attends!! :)</p>
<p>Just reread that…sorry for all the typos! I’m typing this on an iPad so I keep hitting the wrong keys!</p>
<p>I sent a short, typed letter saying thank you and telling them where I would be attending instead to the 3 schools I was declining as soon as I had my last acceptance. Unfortunately, I got the acceptances in reverse preferred order, so my top school was last to tell me so I didn’t send any declines until about 2 weeks after I heard from the first school.
I felt a little bad about only doing such a short note to the school that had offered me a merit scholarship, which was made worse when they sent a reply to my decline!</p>