<p>THAT'S IT? Absolute power, a forum of people listening and all you can come up with is a manifesto of ideas, thoughts, observations, and pontifications? Where are the action points? Your action points--the few that I could discren--get lost in all the words. I don't have time to go through all the drivel but other than eliminating the Senate and mandating health care, perhaps taxation of churces, it was hard to discren what you would DO. Perhaps, we have better understanding of what you believe, but not a clear vision of what how you would act. [And wouldn't it be fascinating to know more about your upbringing?] So, could you perhaps summarize your thoughts into a manageable list?</p>
<p>You will learn that there is a huge difference between the academic spewing of thoughts on how things should or could be better and actually having to make a decision. Leaders DECIDE on something and then act. [In that regard, I will have to give credit to GWB for deciding on something and, perhaps pig-headedly, sticking to his guns. I would even agree with Z about giving him credit for that.] Sometimes with significant consequences that mean the death of others. Most of the time, to the dissatisfaction of a significant part of the population.</p>
<p>Let me give you an example.</p>
<li><p>Health care. I think I agree with you in terms of universal health care. If every person were covered, perhaps in a government-sponsored plan then costs would go down for everybody. This is the nature of insurance.</p></li>
<li><p>Immigration. There should be the free movement of workers in North America. IN my dealings w/ immigrant--Mexican Immigrants, most of them do not want to become U.S. citizen because of patriotic beliefs in the American way. They only want to become citizens so they are not in danger of deportation. If people were allowed to work in this country--working at jobs that many Americans don't want--and permitted to traverse the border freely, we could more effectively utilize the resources directed to border controls. [Beside, I would much rather register those that cross and know where than they are than force them underground.]</p></li>
<li><p>Economy. Spend some significant dollars on the border incentivizing business to improve the economy along the border. This would have a more significant effect on migraton than most anything else that could be done.</p></li>
<li><p>More oversight over corporations. What does this mean? The U.S. is one of the most regulated economies in the world--not as much as some but certainly more than others. Again, this is so easy to say but very different to implement. What about EPA, what about the IRS, what about OSHA. The US has plenty of regulation; its enforcement that is sometimes problematic. It's real easy to pick on WalMart, but for every WalMart critic you talk to, I bet they sure enjoy everday low prices.</p></li>
<p>5a. Education. Withold federal funding to all school districts that have fewer than 5,000 students. [Pick a number.] There are too many resources going to administration of small districts in Texas; I would guess this is a common problme throughout the nation. Encourage the merging of small districts, eliminate bureacracy, and direct more resources to in-class educational resources.</p>
<p>5b. Police Departments. The same could be said of small police departments, sheriff departments, constables, etc. etc. etc. Merge them into the predominate city department; in many parts of the country a city department may cover several counties. I would eliminate local sheriff departments and merge them under the state jurisdiciton. </p>
<p>6a. Consolidate federal police and enforcement departments. Its been talked about for years: merging DEA with FBI with Marshalls, etc. Just do it! </p>
<p>6b. At the same time, merge intelligence responsiblities under ONE individual. Under that person, there could be divisions coordinating military intelligence, domestice, foreign counter-intellgience, etc.</p>
<p>7a. Military. We have the finest military in the world. I would keep it that way. Not only that, I would REALLY [not just pay lip service] listen to the commanders in the field and encourage them to tell me if they think we need more troops. No . . . I would wait to for them to tell me; I would DECIDE that more troops are needed and send them in.</p>
<p>7b. Draft. Since we need more troops, I would institute a draft. No exceptions; pinheads included. Two years of mandatory service + four months of bootcamp would do wonders for the "self-esteem" of the misguided, unappreciative youth of this country. When you read a book about the "Greatest Generation" and "Flags of our Father," you know that our current youth don't begin to measure up.</p>
<p>7c. Terrorism. Where is Bin Laden. My instruction to the government would be to "Get Bin Laden." [While the troops are at it, I would instruct them to remain focused on terrorism and get the rest of the SOBs that are out there. No more hollow threats--"You are either with us or against us"--to countries that continue to harbor terrorists.] My next instruction would be to either establish martial law in Iraq [now that we are there] and get the situation under control or I will get somebody that can. I do not want to see anymore young people die just so a society that wants to kill Christians--see Afghanistan--can be established.</p>
<p>8a. Foreign Policy. You didn't address the hard questions. What about Iran? The only two realistic answers are: Bomb the hell out of them or leave them alone. What is your answer? North Korea? Come on Mr. All Powerful . . . what is your action plan?. [Don't feed us a bunch of pablum about how Bush or previous pathetic American imperials screwed it up . . . WHAT WILL YOU DO?]</p>
<p>9 Morals. Okay, the U.S. is a moral cesspool. So be it. </p>
<p>While you are at it . . . I disagree with Zaphod. The notion of absolute power is too easy. The U.S. is not a dictatorship; try to explain your beliefs within a Constitutional framework. If you can't do that, then you are just one more snot-nosed kid who doesn't have a clue; a kid that just likes to talk big because he knows there is no way in hell anything he proposes is going to happen.</p>
<p>There, we probably agree on more than you might imagine . . .I just don't like having to read through a bunch of manifesto crap to try and determine what it is you might do. Re-read the junk and list your top ten priorities. Try to do it Constitutionally.</p>
<p>See if you can respond without calling anybody names!</p>