Everyone post how much they're studying!

<p>Ugh, I just finished a pchem problem set that took me about 12 hours.</p>

<p>Class units are assigned here based on the number of hours you're "supposed" to spend in the class -- this class is 5-0-7, meaning you're supposed to spend 5 hours in class, 0 in lab, and 7 on homework per week. I'm pretty sure if I spend 5 hours in class, I'm not supposed to spend 12 on homework :mad:</p>

<p>Maybe that's because you're at MIT??!!!</p>

<p>I'll be taking Multivar Calc, Chem I, Humanities, and writing first quarter

<p>I hope it's less than 30. Around 20 is ideal</p>

<p>All the time. I just finished studying for tomorrow. It's friggin' Thursday, I should be out drinking! Anyways with my schedule hope for liquor is not good:</p>

<p>Accelerated Organic Chem w/ Lab + Merit Discussion 4 +2 + 1hrs
Multi-Var Calc 3 hr
Physic E & M 4
Mass & Energy Balances (ChemE) 3
Total = 17 hrs
I think this is the funnest semester ever!</p>

<p>Jeeze, orgo+lab, mutivariable, physics, and an E-class, wow you've got a load!</p>