Exam Stress is Here!

<p>Talked with my S this morning…he’s exhausted, and stressed about upcoming exams. While he is done with his two engineering classes, 4 exams still await; 3 of which he really needs to do very well on because he has dug himself what he considers to be a bit of a hole in these classes! Other than mom’s words of advice, does anyone have any unique tips to help their student manage the stress during exams?</p>

<p>same issues with my son, tis the season! I keep checking in with him, act as a sounding board, and I offer to send supplies/food as needed. Mine has 2 big projects, and once those are done and he can focus completly on his finals, I think it will be a little better.</p>

<p>We kind of do a countdown with son. One more week, two more weeks.</p>

<p>Husband says, One more week and you’ll be sleeping in your own bed.</p>

<p>One more week, and we’ll be watching Iron Man III.</p>

<p>I always say, You’re getting to where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.</p>

<p>Good luck to all the kids and hope they all have a well deserved restful summer!</p>

<p>Today is Stress Free Daze on the quad. Go play with puppies or do yoga.</p>

<p>[Alabama</a> announces Stress Free Daze to help students relax before exams | al.com](<a href=“http://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2013/04/alabama_announces_stress_free.html]Alabama”>Alabama announces Stress Free Daze to help students relax before exams - al.com)</p>

<p>I actually suggested that to him…they moved it to the Ferg due to weather issues. The time for the event was 11-3 today. S was only available from 1-2 PM, so I’m hoping he went!</p>

<p>Awwwww, who don’t like puppies?!</p>

<p>I second the idea of yoga! D went to her first yoga class at the Rec last week and said it was the most relaxed she’d been in weeks. I keep reminding her of the following: TRY to not overdo caffeine and drink water. Eat as well as possible. Take a Vit C supplement. Get sleep! These may seem like a waste of precious study time but tired, undernourished brain will only lead to more frustration and the hole getting deeper.</p>

<p>Lay out a game plan that includes adequate sleep and fuel, then compartmentalize and stay in the present until you reach the goal. It’s like climbing Everest–just go from base camp to base camp. </p>

<p>And remember what Bama’s strength and conditioning coach Scott Cochrane says: “If it feels good, you ain’t doing it right.”</p>

<p>Pleasure will come when the summit is reached.</p>

<p>Good luck and Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Buy Tension Tamer, an herbal tea. It works wonders for anyone under lots of stress. We always have a box on hand in my home. You sleep very well after drinking it.</p>

<p>A question.</p>

<p>Isn’t this supposed to be dead week? Why would professors schedule major projects to be due this week? Projects that require group work and students to spend many hours on it? It just seems counter productive to students being able to study and prepare for finals. </p>

<p>And yes, I know that I am just projecting my son’s stress. I feel bad for him having 2 large projets due when he knows he needs to study for finals.</p>

<p>^ Dead week typically means profs can assign no “new” work. Things assigned previously are still standard. Kids still have classes this week AND need to fit in their studying around them. Sometimes projects are assigned instead of a final exam.</p>

<p>Big projects due this week, maybe not scheduled this week but during classes last week so same result. Has been this way in CS since the beginning.</p>

<p>Yep, going through this, too. Big projects, quizzes, etc, this week. Son has to attend an event tonight and is stressing because he has two big assignments due tomorrow, the last day of dead week. And yes, he still has to take exams. Engineering major as well.</p>

<p>Good luck to all your kids!</p>

<p>Same here. CS and MIS projects due. Son says he loves dead week, “if you can get it!”</p>

<p>I’m going to buck the trend here. My S experienced far more work last week, especially when the previous week to that one had the weather cancellations and tests had to be rescheduled. Maybe that is why so many projects are due this week, as well?</p>

<p>My S is apparently immune to stress, but he delights in giving me plenty. He rang me yesterday (always a bad sign) to tell me that he got a 59 on his latest test. I’m thinking that would be a D. This was for a class he was once going to drop because at midterm he did not have a passing grade; I thought that was prudent back in October, but he decided not to drop it and now he is screwed…and while I gasped that he would somehow need to fit that class into his already-full Fall 2013 schedule as a re-take…and I was about to say ‘told you so’…he paused for effect and said “59 out of 60”. Yeah, he’s smart alright: as in smart ALECK. </p>

<p>So, this is another plug for students to stick with a class rather than withdraw from it. There are other threads with this same advice. When the going gets tough, sometimes that can be the motivator to get going. Seeing his professor, talking with fellow classmates, and putting in extra time on things all helped him pull this off. Also many profs will drop 1 low test grade in a class, as was the case here. He is now ending up with an A in the class. Whew. </p>

<p>For those struggling with classes and exams right now…hang in there…if you have put in the work and continue to do so, it WILL work out for you.</p>

<p>DS is bumming that he got B+ in an honors class on war crimes. It’s his first-ever B. He’ll get over it. I’m more worried about next Friday, when he has his last final in calc, followed by final packing and storage, then heading to the airport. Hope he stays focused.</p>

<p>All of our kids are stressed - well, all except for aeroson. The stress and pressure that our kids put on themselves is part of why they are the high stat kids that they are. They’ll get through it and the lessons learned on how to handle it will come in handy for the rest of their lives. </p>

<p>Chardo, I’ll be in town for at least part of Friday if your son has any emergencies.</p>

<p>^ got your pm, thanks much.</p>

<p>Well, a bit of exam stress after all for AeroSon?
S rang me again this morning about 8.30 (ALWAYS a bad sign), saying he had missed his first final. <em>WHAT?!</em> Another bolt to my heart. :eek:</p>

<p>Now, being the anal CC’er I am, I had color-coded a schedule (the way I interpreted the UA exam schedule, that is), and sent it in an email to S, asking him to confirm it so I could arrange hotels and move-out with other suite parents. Naturally, this was some months ago that I made this colored beauty. (Also, naturally, being AeroSon, he never got back to me on this.) SO, I was thinking he was calling me to tell me that <em>I</em> had got the exam time wrong on <em>MY</em> colored sheet from weeks ago. Oh my Lord… Not good. Not good at all.</p>

<p>He went to the exam at 8 am. There were strange people in the room and no one he recognised. They told him he was in the wrong classroom. So, he ran around the building trying to find the right room…only to realise, eventually, that <em>HE</em> was wrong, and the final was really at 11.30 am, just like my color-coded spreadsheet had shown all along. Whew. So, yes, he “missed” what he thought was his final - ha, ha - but not the “real” final at 11.30. Now maybe he will pay a little bit more attention to my AeroEmails in future. Hope springs eternal. But seriously, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE THIS WEEK ON FINALS!!!</p>