Excellent grades and EC, mediocre SAT's

<p>3.9 unweighted, 5.05 weighted, fives on all my ap exams so far, 10th in state for cross country and 8th in track and field, but 1270 SAT's.......how does this look to a top college?</p>

<p>1270 using Math and CR?</p>

<p>You know the answer... better than people with a lower GPA and the same SAT as you, but worse than somebody with the same or better GPA, but a higher SAT.</p>

<p>You will need to bring it up to at least the 1350-1400 range to begin to feel OK about the very top colleges, but you aren't in such a bad position for the lower part of the top 50 and down. This is, of course, assuming you are not a URM.</p>

<p>Your track and xc accomplishments will help a lot, but you will still need to bring the SAT up.</p>

<p>Are you good enough to be recruited? lol, that could probably solve all your problems...
I'm confused though. You have a 1270/2400 for the SAT?</p>

<p>Get recruited.</p>

<p>well..i have been contacted by some coaches..so i guess im good....and the 1270 is 1270 out of 1600</p>

<p>^ Good, because if it were out 2400, I would doubt that you would be alive.</p>

<p>if schools has to choose between high gpa/low sat and low gpa/high sat, they will choose the first 87 percent of the time. but yeah...i am sure you are being recruited by some top schools. if not, 1350/1400 is usually the point where you can start thinking about some top LACs. ivy consideration probably starts at 1450...but, i don't know, i didn't apply to any ivies (yes, i know, rare for these boards)!</p>

<p>You have the same problem my son had. Take the ACT. I bet you'll score much higher and ALL schools will accept it in place of the SAT.</p>

<p>It looks like
a. You are a poor test taker
b. You didn't prepare/don't care</p>

<p>It's not the end of the world, but you should really try to do something about it if you're shooting for some of the top schools.</p>

<p>I totally agree with the advice to take the ACT. I took it even without ever doing a practice test, and did well.</p>

<p>Need to raise or take ACT. Grinder/poor test taker/whatever/high GPA is always better than low GPA.</p>