excited and can't think straight.

<p>so im on my way to LA when i check on my laptop to see what happened with my UC apps and stuff. UC Davis, and UCSB didn't say anything yet. but UCSD page changed, it used to say ure application has been received and is currently under review...blah blah. but now it says update contact info, and in the side it says that schedule classes, housing info and stuff like that. can someone who already been accepted let me know. thanks. </p>

<p>sorry i can't proof read, im too anxious and im driving in the backseat of a car on my way to LA. lol</p>

<p>It’s site maintenance, but I’ve already been accepted and it has those things for me on the side as well, but I think that was the same with others. </p>

<p>Don’t worry, the next batch of decisions will come out next week–first week of April!!</p>

<p>Don’t stress it! [:…and have fun in LA. Geez, HAVE FUN! STOP REFRESHING, LOLOL. Just kidding.^^</p>

<p>Supposedly people are saying that there uploading decisions. It’s been like that all day today. So who know’s if maybe there sending out all the transfers out this weekend. But then again they have spring break I believe this week so Idk. Like sakurax said just calm down and relax enjoy life in LA for the weekend. I’m in the same boat with you in wanting to hear, but it’s not in our control. Don’t stress. = )</p>

<p>sakurax- How do you know the next batch is the first week of April?</p>

<p>isnt 90210 in LA, beverly hills ?</p>

<p>weegotfish-I have a friend who works for UCSD admissions. </p>

<p>…yes loller. LOLOL.</p>

<p>loller i was watching dr.90210 and i was thinking of a Name to sign up with for this site. lol</p>