Execs still get raises as UC cuts staffing, pay

<p><a href=“08-06”>quote</a> 19:10 PDT – On the same July day that the UC Board of Regents cut $813 million from UC budgets - setting in motion pay cuts, layoffs and campus cutbacks - the board quietly approved pay raises, stipends and other benefits for more than two dozen executives.</p>

<p>University officials were quick to characterize the increased pay in a positive light.</p>

<p>“It’s really a story about cost savings,” said Barbara French, a UCSF spokeswoman, adding that three people on her campus who won hefty pay increases took on new duties and deserved to be compensated.</p>

<p>French said they are all filling in for Chief Operating Officer Tomi Ryba, who left in January and was not replaced, hence the savings. She earned $547,600.</p>

<p>But critics - from janitors to physicians, whose salaries have all been slashed - said that people earning between a quarter million and half a million dollars can afford to take on new duties without extra pay. After all, they said, they themselves are now paid less money for more work.</p>

<p>“These are outrageous actions, taken at the same time as UC has been pleading poverty, giving layoff notices, forcing staff and faculty to take furloughs and hinting at more student fee increases,” said library assistant Kathy Renfro, chairwoman of the UC Berkeley Labor Coalition.</p>

<p>At UCSF, the three employees in question are getting yearly stipends - periodic payments above their salaries that are meant to compensate them for additional duties.</p>

<p>UCSF’s chief financial officer, now the interim chief operating officer, is getting a yearly 6.5 percent stipend, boosting his salary this year to $500,763.
UCSF stipends</p>

<p>The new interim chief financial officer will get a 25 percent yearly stipend, bringing her salary to $293,125 this year. And a nursing chief with new duties will get a 15 percent yearly stipend, for a total of $287,500 this year.</p>

<p>New positions have also been created at UCSF - “chief quality officer” and “vice chancellor of research” - with potential salaries between $239,700 and $420,100, plus benefits.</p>

<p>On July 16, the regents also approved requests from other campuses to pay new deans and vice chancellors higher salaries than their predecessors had earned, on grounds that this was needed to attract the brightest leaders. The regents referred to the changes as “re-slotting,” rather than as raises.</p>

<p>“The timing of this is atrocious,” said Dr. Warren Gold, chairman of the UCSF Faculty Association. “The day before, (UC President Mark) Yudof requested the entire university community to take a pay cut.”</p>

<p>Salaries above $240,000 were cut by 10 percent. Yudof had rejected a recommendation by Gold’s group to cut those salaries by 15 percent to ease the burden on lower-paid employees. “That’s why we’re so upset,” he said.</p>

<p>“If there really is a financial crisis at UC, why do they have all this money for top administrators?” asked Tanya Smith, president of the University Professional and Technical Employees at UC Berkeley.
Limits on using funds</p>

<p>UC typically gets $3 billion of its $19 billion budget from the state. The state is cutting $813 million, and critics say UC should use more of its substantial remaining budget to find ways to avoid cutting salaries and jobs. Yudof has declined, saying that UC could find itself in legal trouble if it used funds for purposes they weren’t intended for.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, campus officials defended the pay increases, saying they were in line with what other universities, including top private schools, pay for such work.</p>

<p>At UC Davis, social sciences dean George Mangun will earn $278,500. As acting dean, he earned $275,000 - his salary plus a $28,401 stipend.</p>

<p>“His salary reflects the remarkable academic breadth over which Mangun presides as dean of the Division of Social Sciences at UC Davis,” said spokesman Mitchel Benson, noting that the increase is a modest one after including the stipend.</p>

<p>At UC Riverside, the vice chancellor for university advancement will earn 6 percent more than his part-time predecessor would have earned full time.</p>

<p>“Setting Peter Hayashida’s salary at $265,000 was in keeping with an external market survey that showed a salary midpoint of $300,000 for comparable positions,” spokeswoman Kris Lovekin said.</p>

<p>E-mail Nanette Asimov at <a href="mailto:nasimov@sfchronicle.com">nasimov@sfchronicle.com</a>.</p>



<p>source [Execs</a> still get raises as UC cuts staffing, pay](<a href=“http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/08/06/BASG194N2P.DTL&tsp=1]Execs”>http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/08/06/BASG194N2P.DTL&tsp=1)</p>

<p>Doesn’t surprise me one bit. Good ol’ Yudof and the boys love this stuff.</p>