Executive Education - Question

<p>I may be asking silly thing, but what is the Executive Education? Is it a plus if the school has very strong executive education program? And does it have to do anything with undergraduate education? </p>


<p>B U M Post</p>

<p>It's an MBA Program for Executives.</p>

<p>Executive education is a broad category. It includes MBA programs for working professionals; some are non-degree programs (certificate programs in publishing, for example). None of them have anything to do with undergraduates.</p>

<p>While they have nothing directly to do with undergrads, they bring many execs to campus who may not have been familiar with the place. If they enjoy the experience it gives them a positve view of the school which can help in future job contacts. When I was first job hunting I met a few bankers who had attended a major summer banking program at my school. It gave them a link to the school and a positive attitude about its students.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.gsb.org/gbp.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.gsb.org/gbp.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I personally find that most executives that have never really worked in the trenches are bad managers</p>

<p>THere is a new book out on that, which I will find, that discusses that</p>

<p>do you guys know if completion of executive education short courses indirectly help getting admitted to top MBA programs of the same school?.. especially since there are no solid requirments to attend these courses as far as i know… maybe you can complete executive edu (5 courses) get certified and mention that in your application??</p>