Exeter/Andover 2008

<p>Exeter</a> executes, ends slide - The Boston Globe</p>

<p>just saying</p>

<p>Andover won in Girls’ Varsity Soccer, Boys’ Varsity Soccer, and Girls’ Volleyball.</p>

<p>(Exeter won in Field Hockey in Overtime).</p>

<p>Just saying. :)</p>

<p>Not to mention all andover’s victories were SWEEPS, like 4-0 3-0 soccer i think?
Exeters were close–>Field hockey was like literally LAST MINUTE goal in overtime</p>

<p>oh, 3-0 volley ball too, not to mention Andover beat exeter in Cross country</p>

<p>For water polo interschols, when Exeter played Andover, Exeter won 10 to 8.</p>

<p>Just saying.</p>

<p>My voice is completely gone after yesterday. Nice game though, you guys fielded great teams.</p>

<p>With the aid of four cups of hot chocolate, I’m regaining my voice. My classes have all been significantly quieter–even the Harkness Warriors shut up!</p>

and overtime wins are more exciting.
but football- come on! that like defeats all!
it was so awesome when everybody poured ontot he field, too.</p>

<p>oh and exeter played over TWICE in waterpolo and WON BOTH TIMES!!!</p>

<p>I can’t believe Morrissey stopped the mascot dance-off, though.</p>

<p>AHHH!! It was so awesome. I LOVED E/A!!! So Exeter won for the first time in I think 4 years, and we all rushed onto their field and went wild for a good 20 minutes. My voice is still scratching from the intense cheers.</p>

<p>Now, now Exeter students: gloating is not polite! ;)</p>

<p>yeah 'bout morrissey
and to brooklyn guy- andover would have been worse</p>

<p>Haha, in my defense, I don’t have too much to brag about. We got trounced in some things. <em>sigh</em> oh well!</p>