<p>Articles in the Chicago Tribune - "Panel: Revamp U.S. high schools" and Inside Higher Ed - "Seeking a New Skills Revolution" on the Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce new report that calls for higher education reform that would end America's four-year high school and replace it with a more European-style model. The proposals advocate a sweeping change that would dramatically alter American high schools by allowing students to apply to college once they have passed a board exam, probably at age 16. "The juniors and seniors left in high school would either be teens in remedial classes working to pass the exam or youngsters who chose to stay and pursue challenging academic work so they could attend elite institutions."</p>
<p>The surge in interest in high school reform during the last several years was "fueled by philanthropist Bill Gates and a National Governors Association summit in February 2005 that drew attention to the need for higher standards to better prepare students for college or work."</p>
Of students who have taken the exam at 16, the commission members expect 35 percent of students to then go on to a two-year program that is equivalent to an international baccalaureate, or advanced European high school degree. After the two years, these students would then apply to selective universities. The other 60 percent would enter a two-year community college or technical college, and then take another exam to qualify for entrance to a four-year institution. Of course, some students would fail out and then enter the work force, but Tucker said the outcome would be much better than current standards where almost one third of Americans do not complete high school.</p>
<p>“We’re shooting for a 5 percent dropout rate, versus around 33 percent which is what we have today,” he said. The country will not succeed unless everyone has at least two years of college 18. Tucker added that this new plan gets at least 95 percent of the population ready for a college by age 18, with many kids ready before that.</p>
<p>“The community college system is the most adaptive in higher education,” said Paul Elsner, a commission member and former chancellor of the Maricopa Community College District. “Still, I think they are going to be in shock by this.”</p>
<p>The commission calculates huge savings — $67 billion — for the country’s educational system both from sending kids to college at a younger age, but also by cutting down on the need for costly remedial education. One place they plan to reinvest these dollars is teacher training.</p>
<p>Taking a cue from the British, the commission asks for states to set up an agency that will handle teacher recruitment and manage state money for teacher training. Tucker said that the agency would try to draw teachers from the top one-third of college graduates instead of the bottom third as happens now. Perhaps most controversial, the plan calls for the agency to send money only to institutions that have a proven track record for turning out quality teachers.</p>
<p>Charles Reed, a member of the commission and the chancellor of the California State University System , said that he was not put off by this suggestion. The system he runs trains most of the teachers in California. “I like competition. I think we can prove ourselves. Performance counts.” Reed said that he approves of the plan and hopes that it will be passed.</p>
<p>“It won’t work if you cherry-pick sections of it, because it will fall apart,” said Elsner. “I think it will be tough, but it will probably have to be done.”
Chester E. Finn Jr., president of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, praised the report for a blunt approach that could shake up the education establishment. He compared it to the groundbreaking "Nation at Risk" report of 1983, which paved the way for many educational reforms.</p>
<p>"There is something to offend everybody, and that approximates my own definition of consensus—a uniform level of pain felt by everybody," Finn said.