Extended Essay

<p>I have a predicted score of 33 points and got accepted for ED at an amazing business school with a 27-30% acceptance rate. However, I found out that I didn't source my facts correctly in my essay as I only included them in my bibliography. Is there still a possibility that I still get my diploma? If I dont get my IB diploma, will this US university revoke their offer for only getting the school diploma?</p>

<p>I don’t think you would get revoked for not getting the diploma. The only situation I can see something like this happening is if you got a scholarship for IB but ended up not getting the diploma and so the scholarship was revoked. </p>

<p>I don’t have a scholarship for the IB. So will the university never find out that I didnt my IB diploma if I only got the subject certificates?</p>

<p>As long as you maintain your grades throughout the year they won’t rescind your offer. They won’t find out whether you got your IB diploma or not as the result will come out in July - but just to be sure, email and ask. If you want to get credit for any of your higher level courses - only applies if you got the score (usually 6 or 7, sometimes 5) that is required to get credit, just show them the subject certificates with the individual scores. </p>

<p>But wait…why don’t you tell your EE supervisor/coordinator about not siting information correctly? I’m sure they can extend your deadline so you can site your facts properly - I doubt any school would purposely let students fail their IB diplomas. Schools are usually trying there best to increase their passing rate - I’d try what I recommended as I’m sure you don’t want to risk losing your offer from the college. </p>