Extra time on tests and trouble with learning a foreign language

<p>Hi, I am going to be testing with a psychologist to see if I qualify for extra time on tests and if I have a disability that could make it difficult for me to learn a foreign language. Th psychologist mentioned I'd be taking two tests, one was a test of learning speed and I dont remember what the other one was. Does anyone know what it might be? Also, what actual Learning Differences is she testing for? I'm a little nervous about finding out if I have an actual issue, but i guess it's better to find out if I need help rather than to ignore it</p>

<p>You’ll probably take the MLAT, which is the modern language aptitude test. I don’t know what else. I am not aware of any foreign language specific disorders, and there is nothing that I can think of which can be diagnosed with just two tests (especially if the MLAT is indeed one of them), so I am not sure what they would be looking for. I would guess some sort of broader LD that might contribute to foreign language issues, like dyslexia or something.</p>

<p>There is nothing to be nervous about. Either you have a learning disability or you don’t. If you do, you have it regardless of whether or not you ever find out about it, and when you know you can find ways around it. It makes school, work, and life much easier when you know what you’re dealing with. You’ll be fine.</p>