Extracurriculars/Competitions for Humanities/Social Science (specifically Econ and/or Pol Sc)

Could someone tell me some competitions for econ/social science majors equivalent to the top science fairs/math competitions for STEM majors? Please keep in mind that I am an international student who will be applying as a prospective Econ/Pol major for the class of '24.
I’d appreciate if you could link me to threads which have lists of such competitions. I’m talking about things such as prestigious places to submit research papers, good academic essay writing competitions, prestigious summer programs (such as RSI for science) etc.

Thanks in advance.


I’m an international applicant (applying for India) which means I’m not eligible for this. Anyway, thanks I guess.

You could do an economic or political history project for National History Day: https://www.nhd.org/students or check out Boys State: https://www.legion.org/boysnation/stateeligibility

Model United Nations and Speech and Debate. Huge nation and regional competitions for those.