Facebook Part Of Penn Admissions

<p>Interesting, check it out: </p>

<p>Facebook</a> not a factor in admissions at Penn | The Daily Pennsylvanian</p>

<p>how would penn be able to access a student’s fb page if he/she is not friends with them?</p>

<p>some people’s fb pages are accessible to anyone.</p>

<p>as long as penn doesn’t see all those quizzes I took when I’m bored, I’d be fine =p</p>

<p>i guess that’s what privacy settings are for</p>

<p>Colleges, high schools, and employers from big companies all have their own methods to access it I think. (if we knew how, then that would defeat the purpose :P) Why do you think the news always reports every once in a while someone getting fired because of inappropriate facebook/myspace pictures?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure I remember some flight attendant getting fired for posting pics on her facebook of her doing suggestive poses on a plane, but I don’t know if her’s was set to private or not. There was also this incident at my school where a group of kids went into a secluded area of the school that is restricted, and they posted pictures of their “adventures” there. They tried to refute the principal and say they didn’t do it, but the principal said that she saw facebook pictures of them going in there and they got suspended for a week. (And I’m pretty sure their fbs are set to private.)</p>

<p>Personally, I’m sure these organizations have ways to view peoples’ facebooks. If not, then people are just stupid to make their facebooks public while posting inappropriate pictures they wouldn’t want their parents seeing. :P</p>

<p>i actually sent them my facebook URL… but my profile is squeeky clean =]</p>

<p>"Emily Simmons, Assistant Dean of Admissions at Emory University, wrote in an e-mail, “if a student specifically mentions his or her Facebook site in his or her application or personal essay, we would be very likely to visit the site.”</p>

<p>^i’d still be careful!</p>

<p>anyway, FB let’s companies, colleges, etc. in through a “back door” so doesn’t matter if you aren’t friends with the admissions rep</p>

<p>The easy solution: Don’t put anything on your FB you would never want an employer or authority to see.</p>

<p>Thats easier said than done though legend. And if you put your facebook to the correct privacy setting, it will be impossible for Penn to look at it.</p>

<p>Simple. CHANGE UR NAME for now</p>

<p>I don’t have anything on my profile that I would not want Penn to see. There is a lot of personal info on my facebook (fav books, quote, movies) that can put a face on my application. They can also see the pics from my trips i mentioned on my application.</p>

<p>Others are not so lucky xs0itg0esx. Last year a student got into Harvard from my school, however, his facebook page was littered with pictures of him doing many, many illegal things. I don’t quite think he would’ve been at Harvard, had they found out. </p>

<p>Colleges realize that many high schoolers, even top performers, often partake in stupid (to say the least) activities, however, parading about them is just plain dumb, most often leading to a rejection.</p>

<p>even if you do change your name, they can still track you via email…</p>

<p>Overall I think admission officers have enough to do as it is reading 3000+ applications in 12 days. If I were an admission officer, I’d focus my efforts on an applicant’s recommendations and essays rather what he/she may have done at some party last Friday.</p>

<p>^ valid point. As the DP article suggests, they will only look at FB if you asked them to</p>

<p>What if you, intentionally, “decorated” your facebook to be complete pro-penn? Lets asy everything about your page reflected your interest to attend Penn AND you sent them a link to your facebook page, cause more harm than good in the eyes of adcoms?</p>

<p>^ lol…</p>

<p>…just … don’t do it
you can maybe control what you want/don’t want others to see on your profile. but you can’t control what your friends may post about you…pictures…etc…</p>

<p>pennhopefull–I feel like that would be over the top and too kiss ass! If I were an admissions officer I think I’d be a little freaked, or feel like this person was making a joke out of Penn.</p>