FAFSA mess

<p>I filled out the fafsa for with my son at the beginning of 2008 and just recently got a notice that we needed to get verified. Of course there was a discrepency and his pell was greatly reduced leaving him owing for this semester. </p>

<p>Our finances have greatly reduced as well so that we can not help at all(we are barely staying a float)</p>

<p>Federal Pell Grant Grant 691.00<br>
ACG - Freshman Grant 375.00<br>
FFELP Subsidized Stafford Ln 1 Loan 1,750.00<br>
FFELP Unsub. Stafford Loan 1 Loan 513.00<br>
Access Scholarship Scholarship 1,075.00<br>
Trustees Scholarship Scholarship 2,000.00<br>
Boeing Scholarship Financial A Scholarship 1,000.00<br>
SCHOOL GRANT Grant 150.00<br>
Gold Loan (Need-Based) Loan 461.00<br>
Local Scholarship - Spring Scholarship 375.00
High School Scholarship Spring Scholarship 125.00<br>
Term Totals 8,515.00 </p>

<p>This is what he is currently working with. He does have a good grant and scholarship package really. I think the money due is from last semester, where he was overpaid.
My question is, is there any other loan that he can get to make up the difference? It's about $700. I am in the process of filling out a special circumstance form as well. Does anyone have any experience with that? Do they normally grant them? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Does this all need to be paid now, at the beginning of the semester for Spring 2009?</p>

<p>If so, can you take a cash advance from a credit card? Maybe your son can then get a campus job and pay you back over the semester.</p>

<p>Would you be eligible for a Perkins loan?</p>

<p>You might also consider a short-term job, like delivering pizzas, to come up with the cash or have a garage sale.</p>

<p>He still has unsub eligibility for the year (I assume he’s a freshman - $3500 sub & 2000 unsub for year as long as COA is not exceeded). The reason he wasn’t awarded more may be that he is at cost of attendance for the semester with all his current semester aid. However, if his Pell was reduced last semester & he didn’t request an increase in his unsub to cover that, he should be able to request it now. Have him ask the financial aid office if he can increase his unsub in the amount of the Pell that was returned for last semester.</p>

<p>Kelsmom ~ Thank you. I called and he does have some unsub left although he will have to decide if he wants to use it all this time and not have any for next semester. </p>

<p>I really appreciate your help. Thank you</p>

<p>Glad to be of service! :)</p>