
<p>I am thinking about tackling this next week since I have a day off. I have heard you can submit it even before taxes are done. Is this true? Is there any reason to get it submitted this soon? I will have 2 in college. Do I prep it for each child separately?</p>

<p>3Kids: I just did mine this weekend. If you haven’t done your taxes yet (which no one could have since all the tax code hasn’t been uploaded yet) you can use the drop down menu to select “will file” and use your end of year pay statements and 2011 taxes to estimate as best you can. You will then update after you’ve filed your 2012 taxes. </p>

<p>I <em>think</em> you do it once then add a second student. All students have to have separate PINS (have you applied for that yet?) as well as a parent. </p>

<p>The only reason I did it so early is because one of D2’s schools requires the CSS Profile by tomorrow. But if you need FA, then it’s suggested that you do it early for incoming freshman as some schools prioritize funding based on filing date. </p>

<p>Best of luck :)</p>

<p>We watch a FAFSA webinar last week and they said each student had to be done individually, you have to enter all of the data twice.</p>