Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>I fell in love with madison as soon as i visited, but i know i have no chance. I applied anyway because…you never know. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.52 W
SAT: 1740 - hey, not everyone is a good test taker
2 AP, 9 honors
3 letters of rec
Marching Band memeber for 4 years, squad leader position, elected president, NHS, Spanish and Latin Honor Society, volunteer at hospital in speech department (which is what i want to study), spirit club, service club, student ambassadors, bunch of volunteer stuff in the summer etc…</p>

<p>OOS: NJ
Hispanic - speak spanish fluently</p>

<p>My friend has had the “admit term” soar status since tuesday and has still not heard…just in case people were wondering on timing.</p>

<p>I forget my username/password so I can’t even log in to check my SOAR status! (Because I was trying different passwords and they decided to block me out). So I’m completely in the dark here, you guys should feel lucky! X)</p>

<p>Got accepted today!
29 ACT
3.88 GPA
Wisconsin Resident
Good luck to everyone else. I am excited to attend Madison in the fall. This was the only school I applied to.</p>

<p>Accepted today!</p>

<p>3.75 GPA with increasing grade trend
2090 SAT
Great EC’s and good recs.</p>

<p>I had everything in on 10/22, got the ‘reviewed by counselor’ thing two weeks ago, and my SOAR changed two days ago. Seems to be the average schedule of events for students.</p>

<p>anxiousapp2015 - I wouldn’t say you have ‘no chance’. Hispanic students are underrepresented at UW-Madison and are a focus or target for admissions. </p>

<p>Maybe Barrons has some helpful advice or comment for you.</p>

<p>Consider taking the ACT in February if you receive a postponement decision rather than an outright denial.</p>

<p>Congrats everyone. Snowbound and still waiting. Minnesotakid what school do you go to?</p>

<p>has anyone from california received a decision yet?
I sent mine on October 30th</p>


<p>first thing ive heard from any schools so far and madison just happens to be one of my top 3 :slight_smile: (other 2 are ohio state and university of maryland-cp…no particular order)</p>

4 ap tests taken (a 3, 2 4’s, and a 5) and taking 5 ap courses this year
plenty o honors classes
leader of cello section of orch, nhs, student gov, class council, 3 sport athlete, 5 years foreign language, spanish club, etc
oos: MD</p>

<p>planning on driving up to madison asap to walk around campus (havent been able to visit yet bc…i mean its a 15 hour drive from my house haha…kind of out of the way…can’t wait)</p>

<p>wherever i end up going, doubling in spanish and something along the lines of international relations or poly sci or something and id really like to take classes in arabic (wanna work for the state dept.)</p>

<p>cant. freaking. wait. for. college.</p>

<p>Anyone in IL/Chicagoland area gotten a decision?</p>

<p>Status just changed to “being reviewed by an ADCOM” hopefully that means i will hear soon! </p>

<p>P.S. does wisc look at EC? i mean, they say that they do, but with a the ten million applications they process each day, is it more of a “you are above this threshold and you are in?”</p>

<p>PPS do they factor in your financial aid status when making an admissions decision?</p>

<p>Yea Defcon I got in a few days ago. Decisions from the Chicago area are coming out slowly because our admissions counselor resigned</p>

<p>Sigh! Son postponed and he is very very disappointed :frowning: as Madison was his very first choice for past 2 years. Time for him to get some apps out this week. Suggestions are welcome.</p>

<p>My daughter also postponed and very disappointed. 4.3 GPA 28 ACT Several honors, 2 AP Any thoughts on her chances of getting in? Also, is it possible she will hear something before March?</p>

<p>congrats cammac! but you failed to mention, where are you from?</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>A postponed applicant has strong qualifications and the
potential for success at Wisconsin. However we simply do
not know if we will have space for them in our freshman
class and/or we would like to review mid-year senior grades
or new test scores before making an admission decision.
Final admission decisions for postponed applicants are
made on/by March 15 and written notification is mailed immediately thereafter</p>

<p>We receive more than 25,000 applications for freshman
admission each year. Historically, we admit close to 55 percent of applicants upon initial review, postpone 25 percent,
and deny 20 percent. In an average year, approximately 65
percent of applicants are ultimately admitted (either initially
or after being postponed</p>

<p>I’m really sorry, judyjim!:confused: That must be so hard for him. If you don’t mind me asking, what were his stats? What type of school is he looking for, and what is he thinking of pursuing as a major?</p>

<p>How do you know if you are postponed? My stuff reads:
“Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. Check back here for updates on your application status.”</p>

“Your application is still under review. The SOAR program is limited to admitted students only. You can check your admission status in My UW or contact the Office of Admissions at 608-262-3961 or <a href=“mailto:onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu”>onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu</a>.”</p>

<p>Thanks cmbaker5- Here are some of his stats- ACT 29-took only once- GPA unweighted 3.87- AP statistics, AP biology (A’s in these), 11th grade PSEO-Calculus I-B, Honors courses all of 9th grade (A’s), Honors algebra, geometry 10th grade, 11th grade spring term with Alexander Muss High School in Israel-(received A’s) and a rec from his professor there, a rec from his spanish teacher whom he also TA’d for, National Honors Society-Pathfinders-Camp counselor 9 week overnight camp and staff in training-8 weeks overnight, volunteerism etc. academic letters grades 10-11-I thought his essays were good but very subjective. He is looking for a big school and is a pre-medicine major.</p>

<p>He also is 72 out of 449 in his graduating class and many from his school applied top Madison.</p>

<p>judyjim, I really can’t believe that your son got postponed! It sounds like he has so much going for him! I’m also going pre-med, or something of that nature. I have no clue how close to home he wants to stay, but the University of Washington has a really strong pre-med program and is actually a lot like the University of Wisconsin! I looked into the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities and liked that a lot, but I haven’t taken physics so I couldn’t apply to the school that I wanted.</p>