Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Anybody have any idea how long it takes to get an answer back once your status changes to being reviewed by an admissions counselor? Mines said that for about 3 weeks now and I called and they just told me Ill have a decision by Jan. 15th.</p>

<p>TeachMeHow2Bucky- I don’t really think there’s a way to tell based off of that status changing. Mine said “being reviewed by an admissions counselor” for well over a month. The main change you should be looking for is your SOAR status! Once mine changed I found out later that night; most people said it takes two business days after their SOAR status changed before they found out, so it’s kind of hard to tell:/ Good Luck and stay patient! (:</p>

<p>Another week and still no news. Thank goodness for Yoga and relaxation exercises to keep me centered and grounded. Have a nice weekend everybody. We are expecting 8-12 inches of snow!!!</p>

<p>I recall hearing that applications tend to increase in years the Badgers go to the Rose Bowl.</p>

<p>Dec 10th Update from Admissions Counselor Jenny Bottoni - admissions up a whopping 12% from the same period last year!</p>

<p>[Wisconsin</a> Blogs - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/blogs/2010/12/10/just-a-quick-note/#comment-1815]Wisconsin”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/blogs/2010/12/10/just-a-quick-note/#comment-1815)</p>

<p>Is that good or bad? I guess it’s great for the school, but might make it harder to get it. So maybe not so good for us applicants. It’ll also probably mean that they’ll take longer to get replies out.</p>

<p>Great news on apps being up this year. Reflects improving image of UW undergrad and the improving economy. Football helps a bit too. Nearly every TV game the announcers were full of praise for Madison the ultimate college town and the unique school spirit.</p>

<p>Yes, now more than ever, high school seniors want to be taught how to Bucky!</p>

<p>Movement- SOAR message changed this early afternoon. Sounds like there is a good chance my son will have a yes decision or postponement decision early next week. He is holding off sending apps to other colleges until next week. I hope he doesn’t have to. Keeping our fingers crossed it is a yes.</p>

<p>This year is tougher for students of all schools. I just came off of Columbia EA thread. It looks really bad…SAT 2100-2300, GPA 3.9-4.0 got rejected or deferred. I hope UW Madison is not as bad for applicants…</p>

<p>Good luck judyjim, is it the more ‘positive’ sounding SOAR message?</p>

<p>Yes, it is the one that says the SOAR Program is not currently accepting reg. for your admit term… From what other people have written on this that means either a yes or a postponement. Is that correct?</p>

<p>SIGH. Majorly bummed out right now.</p>

<p>I submitted everything in mid-October and my counselor mailed in my transcripts in late October. A week ago, I got an e-mail from UW saying my application was incomplete. I checked the website and it turns out they never got my transcripts. I mailed them out right away, but it was of course after the November 1st deadline. I called today and it looks like I’ll be hearing from them…by March 15th.</p>

<p>So, everyone lucky enough to be hearing by January 15th, be patient – at least it’s not March 15th.</p>

<p>Anyone know if they release decisions on weekends? My SOAR status changed to the ‘admit term’ thing on Thursday but I haven’t gotten a decision back yet. I’d rather avoid checking this weekend if there’s no chance that they’ll give me an answer before monday.</p>

<p>And can anyone confirm that there’s a difference in SOAR messages for admitted/postponed applicants and those that are rejected?</p>

<p>judyjim and minnesotakid-make sure to keeping checking your admissions status throughout the weekend! My SOAR status changed on Friday after 2 am, so technically Saturday, and then I checked my admissions status later that night just because I was bored, and it had changed to “Congratulations…”. Best of luck!</p>

<p>This doesn’t exactly have to do with being admitted, but it kind of does! I’m from Washington State and really have no sense as to the reputations for different dorms or for living in a sorority. What are the “best”/most popular dorms for freshman? And what is the greek system like? I’ll be applying for housing soon, so any advice would be great!</p>

<p>I just checked my app status for the first time tonight. It was submitted mid Oct. does the status “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors. Check back here for updates on your application status.” mean I will be getting a decision soon?</p>

I’ve actually been coming back to this board to check on your posts…so happy you’re finally getting closer to an answer…keeping fingers crossed for you</p>

<p>Has anyone from out of state, specifically Pennsylvania or Ohio heard yet?</p>

<p>cmbaker3- see the threads on dorms and ask a student. Some do Greek life but it doesn’t impact most students- it’s there if you want it but easy to ignore. Many different dorms to choose from, pros and cons addressed in other threads this fall.</p>