Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>NickDanger it is easier to get in from in-state than out of state. My guess would be that it came down to extra curriculars. You said there was nothing “negative” in the app, but was there anything glaringly positive? Many schools are looking for applicants that really stick out rather than ones who just blend in. Also, the writing section of the SAT’s is still not taken very seriously by most schools, as they have found good score on that section do not necessarily translate to high english grades (plus most schools take the ACT’s way more seriously than SAT’s). </p>

<p>Madisonjunkie may be right, as the 2 essays on the application are vital to a good chance.</p>

<p>I could have been a number of factors however Madison has to accept so many in state then can do what they want with the rest of the spots… I’m 90 percent sure it is easier to get in if you are in state.
BUT back on subject
Anyone have new news about being accepted?</p>

<p>I smell BS. First post and some crazy reject story?? Not buying it, sorry. The UW state money is not directly tied to how many state kids go. There is a goal and a limit on OOS undergrads at 25% of the total not counting Minn kids. But the state $$$ is a lump sum amount and if they don’t quite hit the numbers one year they have time to adjust it without any $$$ penalty. Looking back 10 years they have been under the OOS limit every year.</p>

<p>No BS, Barrons. I’d be happy to post the rejection letters and the test scores but you’d probably say I made them up. Just because someone doesn’t have 12,000 posts (get a life, by the way) doesn’t make them a liar. </p>

<p>UW is subsidized by the Wisconsin taxpayer (me) to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars per year. When that (my) subsidy is used to reject my highly-qualified daughter and is used instead to subsidize a less-qualified student from some other state my frustration is justified.</p>

<p>The SAT essay has nothing to do with the application essays. The first is writing ability, the second is the story told to the school. “Nothing negative” is not the same as something positive. Some good students- there was a rejected student who posted a while back regarding his I don’t care about UW essay- write essays that show no real interest in UW. The essay could be flawless from an SAT standpoint but lacking in enthusiasm or reasons that make the student stand out.</p>

<p>A lesson to students- don’t think that your stellar grades and test scores are enough to set you apart from the crowd. Parents- don’t presume that your child wants to go to UW as much as you expect, they applied dutifully but an essay may be their way of showing their lack of enthusiasm.</p>

<p>Of course, especially with the limited data available to all, this is all speculation. A student who truly wants a UW degree will find a way to transfer for the last two years. Many will change their minds and discover there are other good schools out there that work well for them.</p>

<p>Miracles - Excellent post and congrats on becoming a Badger. I’m sure that there tons of kids who have applied to UW this year whose stories and stats are similar to yours. You’ve given them (and their parents) a great reason to be optimistic. Good luck at Madison next year.</p>

<p>I agree with what wis75 said.
It’s like at another school I got into- I got a 12k/year scholarship while people with better stats than me got NOTHING. They even had impressive ECs and achievements, etc. Must have been the essays…</p>

<p>nickdanger, please post your daughter’s full stats…this sounds like a **** and bull story to me as well.
also, nothing negative means that she got a 2400 on SAT, 36 on ACT, 4.0 UW GPA, was Valedictorian of a competitive school, had an endless list of prestigious awards and extracurrics… need i go on? ALL of us have negatives on our apps. it is having enough positives that get us into college.
and even if you are telling the truth, then the fault lies in the essays. those count too you know.</p>

<p>Accepted this morning at 2 am! This was my number one so I am really happy.
All of my stuff was in by Oct.29. My soar status changed to the admitted term message two days prior to the acceptance. 29 act and 2.89 gpa. Instate. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Counselor gobadgers?</p>

<p>Congrats GoBadgers15! ON WISCONSIN!!!</p>

<p>I vote to kick NickDanger off the island. I anonymously say you (NickDanger) are kinda a jerk.</p>

<p>Nick, if you actually lived in Wisconsin and knew anything about the UW finances you would know that OOS students actually SUBSIDIZE the instate students to the the tune of thousands per year per student. This fact has been reported at length many times in the Wisconsin and UW press. You might not know this but I work closely with UW Admissions and have many other connections. One other such claim was made here and when I contacted UW they said no way that would happen.</p>

<p>Alright, we are straying off topic here into heated waters. Let’s continue to post about our admissions information and not get angry at each other. This thread is very informative and does not need to be littered with arguments. NickDanger (take it easy) and barrons, please stop.</p>

<p>Post #749, GoBadgers15 - that 2.89GPA accepted stat your posted was a typo - right? Else UW-Madison is starting to let their acceptance standards slip.</p>

<p>Big Ten Dad, you never know; a certain ex-president of ours said he was a C student and got in to Yale.</p>

<p>Knowing somebody can go a long way.</p>

<p>Since I’ve been called a liar I’ll post my daughter’s stats then drop the thread. My intent here was not to start a flame war but to post my thoughts on the admission process at Madison.</p>

<p>Single sitting SAT 2240, unweighted GPA 3.5 with only one semester grade below a B (C+), 4 APs, National Merit Finalist, varsity athlete, 4 years year-round tutoring with leadership, student council, camp counselor, 8 years girl scouts, church children’s education committee. By no negatives I meant no discipline issues, no bad grades no attendance problems, etc. mumurthigal’s claim that not being valedictorian or not getting a perfect SAT is a negative is just silly. </p>

<p>I’m not bitter, she was accepted at competitive schools to Madison and is very happy where she is. However, I stand by my assertion that when a National Merit Finalist with no negative issues is denied admission to her state’s public university, something is wrong in the admissions office.</p>

<p>I guess you missed the point everyone was making about the ESSAY part…
It could also be that 3.5 or the few APs. But w/e, we dropped it.</p>

<p>No offense but how are people with less than 3.0 GPAs and 24’s on their ACT getting in over people like me with 3.75+ GPA and 30’s on their ACT. Maybe my statements were really ****ty (even though essays are purely subjective) I don’t think that should take away 3 and a half years of hardwork…</p>

I honestly haven’t heard of anyone with those stats going there… But… Maybe an unrepresented minority?
Anyways as of 22 minutes ago I am admitted to uw Madison!!! :slight_smile:
Here are my stats:
3.8 uw gpa
28 act
Class rank 20 out of 198 (just missed 10% :frowning: )
I have earned all a’s and b’s in my college courses taken through snc and uwgb and have 14 college credits as of now and will have 26 when I enter Madison…
Lots of ec
2 letters of recommendation
Badgerboystate alumni </p>

<p>Congrats to other accepted students on here and see you next year ;)</p>

<p>congrats madtown!!! that’s really cool about the college credits, i should have 27 or so when i start too</p>