Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>but I chose political science, I don’t understand how they could give me “general studies” and not accept me into their program</p>

<p>hmm that is interesting</p>

sweet another marylander accepted haha</p>

<p>barrons, I have a child with an active application and recent experience with the admissions process at this school. I have every right to post on this thread. </p>

<p>You posted “Otherwise don’t waste time rehashing old accusations that can’t really be either proven or refuted.” Maybe you should heed your own advice.</p>

<p>lets all just settle a little bit… i hate jumping back on this forum and hearing bickering back and forth…
and @perfekkt… haha seriously??? coincidence much??? i go to Seymour high… perhaps you know Richie Fischl???
haha nice to know someone close to home… are you accepted yet?</p>

<p>Yeah I know richie! He’s really nice, cool guy. And yeah I got accepted last Wednesday :slight_smile: and I read you recently were accepted. Congrats! Do you plan to attend?</p>

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I have been following this thread for a couple weeks now and have sporadically posted a few things. I’m wondering if anyone knows anyone with similar stats to me that have been accepted/postponed/denied from UW Madison? </p>

<li>I have a very rigorous schedule (6 college classes my senior year alone including Calculus and a 5th year of a language)</li>
<li>I have a 3.343 UW GPA</li>
<li>30 ACT (27 Math and English, 30 Reading, and 36 Science)</li>
<li>I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). My sophomore year I struggled a lot with school because I was going on and off medications with bad side effects. The decision my parents, my doctor, and I made was to completely take me off medications which was a huge struggle. Needless to say, my grades suffered a lot my sophomore year. During my junior year, I increased my grades from a 3.0 to a 4.0 with 1/2 college classes and I received a 28 on my first ACT test and a 30 on my second ACT test (English and Math-27, Reading-30, and Science-36. My “superscore” is a 31. </li>
<li>My grade trends are upward (3.0 sophomore year, 1st semester junior year - 3.4 and second semester 3.6667)</li>
<li>Great recommendations (one of top in my class from one teacher)</li>
<li>I spent a lot of time on my essays (one was about my passion for politics and the other explained my struggles with ADHD which was part of the reason why I got bad grades my sophomore year, but I had a POSITIVE tone throughout the whole essay and talked about how I have overcome my challenges by myself with my own self will)</li>
<li>I have visited campus and have contacted the admissions office a few times (they should know I’m interested!)</li>
<li>I have really good extracurricular (16 on my application but a few were very substantative) like: Treasurer of our student government and President of Sierra Club



<p>@Brite4Ever You didn’t understand what novaparent meant by ‘2240 SAT and 3.5 GPA is an underachiever’. The student might be an underachiever because while they score high on tests and this could prove their intelligence, they have a low GPA which means they are an UNDERACHIEVER in School. If they can score so high on the SAT then why can’t they do as well in the classroom? And you can’t say it’s because of hard classes because there are kids at my school with the same scores and better GPAs AND more rigorous classes.
Just wanted to clear that up.</p>

<p>And NickDanger- barrons said earlier that he/she works closely with UW-admissions and has connections, so they’re here to give us the inside facts and such. And set you straight…</p>

<p>Sorry to rehash old posts, I just can’t leave some things without defending them…</p>

Unless you are out of state, you have a very good chance. According to US News, only one third of the entire student body is OOS. I’m not sure how difficult it is for those people. (I’m one of them; does anyone know?)
I also heard engineering is harder.
I think ADHD is a big positive since your grades are consistently improving.
You will probably get in.</p>

<p>I’m applying to Engineering, out of state, and international. (but I lived in the US for 5 years) I have a 29 on the ACT (math 33; sci 31, eng 29, reading 23) , 3.84 UW GPA; other factors are probably slightly above average.</p>

<p>If I were instate, I would be accepted. But I don’t know because I’m oos international. Does anyone know similar cases?</p>

<p>Lol. Yes I am from Minnesota!!! (Which isn’t limited to a certain percent like OOS is)</p>

<p>MnBadger…My D, also from MN, is also waiting–3.9 GPA, 34 ACT, great extra-curric, great recommendations, and just waiting! She’s engineering, so maybe that is harder, as someone said. Wait, wait, wait!</p>

<p>I’m similar to MNBadger too, and in MN! But no ADHD or college courses.
I don’t think I’m getting in though, I have a lot of down sides. Good luck to the other Minnesotans! Seems like you both have good chances!</p>

<p>All initial accepts into UW are general as there is no direct admission to any major (save some very minor exceptions). You select or appy to a major after arriving. Business and Engineering you apply after one year. L&S you just pick a major. Journalism you apply later. But Poli Sci has no additional app so you are in as soon as you choose it as your major. No worries. But most don’t pick a major until later.</p>

<p>Blodnie47 is exactly right. I didn’t say a 2240 was the mark of an underachiever. I said a 2240 with a 3.5 GPA is an underachiever. A 2240 is the 99th percentile. A 3.5 is not. Not even close.</p>


<p>Male, in-state
ACT: 31 (34 math)
GPA: UW 3.66
Class rank 75th percentile (we were sweating this one…yikes!)</p>

<p>6 APs (including AP Psych…self-taught, score of 4)
Honors track for math and science since freshman year</p>

<p>Captain of drum line, first chair percussion 3 years, composed music for drumline, Intern in Spec. Ed. room, class officer, science olympiad, Peers 4 Peers, Student Council</p>

<p>Fabulous essay about wanting to do research on autism spectrum disorders
Great LORs (one from a UW alum who was his AP Chem teacher, and one from his Band Director)</p>

<p>Grigg…not looking good, sweetie. But, OOS, you might have a slight edge because of the extra $$ you bring to the table.</p>

<p>Is it just a coincidence that MN residents are not hearing decisions yet? And if my school is very competitive, will they know that? Lastly, does anyone know if MN residents have an advantage over other OOS as far as chances of getting in?</p>

<p>does anybody know when the admissions officers are working until? how long is their break? has anybody been hearing this week?</p>

<p>@cclucky When I toured at Madison, they told us that they don’t just look at GPA, but they make sure to look at how hard your classes are and such. Which is VERY good for me!
I don’t think MN people are hearing later, maybe there are just more MNs on here because MN is right next to WI. But there are at least 3 people from my school (MN) who have gotten accepted.</p>