Fall 2011 Applicants - Any Decisions Yet?

<p>Once again- you get admitted to the university as a whole. It does not matter what intended major you put on the application. You get admitted to most of the various schools/colleges after you have met their requirements through your UW college work. L&S is the default college/school for most freshmen. In L&S you need to meet certain requirements to be admitted to any major, at least a certain gpa in that major’s courses, which you of course won’t have until you are at UW.</p>

<p>Underachievers don’t have as high a gpa as would be expected from their test scores. The message to HS students is to work up to your potential, don’t be a slacker. Different high schools offer different opportunities to their students, those at the ones with fewer are not penalized- UW doesn’t assume a gpa was any harder to obtain at the most elite schools. In a way a gpa shows how much the student took advantage of the material/learning presented and how much of the work expected was done. </p>

<p>So many variables that pages could be written analyzing admissions decisions.</p>

<p>SOAR message just changed to the “Admit Term” message, hopefully that means I’ll be getting a decision in a few days. I’ll be in Mexico though, no internet (I think), grr!</p>

<p>@Kabizzle, Indeed.</p>

<p>Two days ago, my message changed to “The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term. More information about the SOAR Program and the reservation process can be found at <a href=“http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu.”>www.newstudent.wisc.edu.</a>” This morning, when I am doing my daily routine, opening the Student Center, and the message changed to the following,
"Congratulations! You have been admitted to the University of Wisconsin. We have mailed your official letter of admission and admission materials. "</p>

<p>Feeling good indeed! I am sure you will have something positive coming your way.</p>

<p>Brief stats:</p>

<p>ACT : 29 (really weak)
GPA : 3.87
Ranking: School does not rank. But I am among 1-3 students who are getting High Honor award every semester since high school. My class size is 30 student. Very small public school in Wisconsin.
A lot of EC, including Student Council since Jr High school, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track, President of NHS of my high school, Volunteering at hospital, etc, etc…</p>

<p>UW is my top 2-3 choices. Applied to 10 schools, mostly state flagship schools. Already accepted at UIUC (Business) and U Minnesota (Biology). Deferred at Chicago. It is most likely that I will go to UW in the Fall.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. Congratulation to everyone who got in ahead of me!</p>

<p>Arbydan wow that’s a small school! Lol and congrats!</p>

<p>Accepted today! OOS, applied in late October.</p>

30 ACT
3.7 UW GPA
school doesn’t rank, but unofficially in top like 17ish%
3 APs, 2 honors
lots of EC’s, good essays and recs</p>

<p>Congrats everyone!
I feel like everyone is getting accepted, is there anyone else besides me still here who hasn’t??
@Arbydan a 29 ACT is NOT “really weak”. Maybe for Harvard or MIT, but for Madison I’m pretty sure that’s just fine. And anyway the Nat’l average is like 15-20 or sumthin, so be proud of that 29! :)</p>

<p>Hang in here, blondie47. UW is tough and plus a lot of applicant this year plus new adcon team may make this year’s process look a lot longer than previous years. But I am sure good news is coming sooooon.</p>

<p>By the way, yes, my school is really small. But our ACT averages for the school have been good for the past few years, around 26-27. I am weak in comparison to many of my classmates. My stronger UW GPA may have been the saving grace.</p>


<p>32 ACT
3.7 UW GPA
school doesn’t rank
1 AP, 7 Honors</p>

<p>Congrats hchody.
@Arbydan Thanks, I’ll try!
And yeah, I understand. My school is really competitive, there are so many kids with 32-34 ACTs and 2200 SATs, it’s really disheartening. But there are also students who are closer to the Nat’l average. You just can’t compare yourself to your school if it’s a really competitive one.</p>

<p>Well, my son’s message just changed to the famous . . .</p>

<p>The SOAR Program is not currently accepting reservations for your admit term. More information about the SOAR Program and the reservation process can be found at . . .</p>

<p>guess that means he’ll get the “admit” message on Christmas Eve? Pretty cool! That would make him four for four with Big Ten schools!</p>

<p>Status just changed to the “good” one!</p>

<p>what do you think my chances of getting in are</p>

<p>3.789 Gpa unweighted</p>

<p>27 ACT</p>

<p>7 AP classes by the end of my senior year</p>

<p>varsity lacrosse, best buddy program member</p>

<p>spanish immersion student completely fluent in spanish</p>

<p>MN resident</p>


<p>That doesn’t mean you’ve been accepted. That’s the message you get before either a deferral or an acceptance.</p>


<p>You look pretty good. Not good enough to say it’s guaranteed, but you’re definitely competitive.</p>


<p>That doesn’t mean you’ve been accepted. That’s the message you get before either a deferral or an acceptance.</p>


<p>Yes, I forgot about that . . . well, at least he’s no longer “on the fence.” And he does already have three acceptances to his credit. We shall see!</p>

<p>I applied on October 23, 2010 and am from MN. When do you guys think I’ll find out?!?!?</p>

<p>January 15–or earlier</p>

<p>Well duh! I know the last day possible but when do you think they’ll have all the decisions out?</p>

<p>“duh” - Whew - might want to take a better approach to soliciting answers</p>

<p>@MNBADGER If you’d been reading this thread for the past few weeks, you’d know that there’s no pattern as to how they release decisions, so no one has actually been able to predict it. And if you call and ask then you’ll get the same answer as barrons gave you- that’s the best you’re gonna get, sorry.
Rolling admissions means that where you’re from and when you applied has nothing to do with it.
Also since they’re behind because of admissions people changing or w/e, they probably will be releasing decisions up until Jan.15. So you’re just gonna have to wait patiently like everyone else.
I’m still waiting too, I know it’s hard.</p>

<p>I’ve actually been lessed stressed recently just because I’m really annoyed with them right now. It reached a point last week where I’m getting sick of their admissions and I’m sick of the wait.</p>