Fall 2011 Online courses

<p>while I’m sure DS will handle this himself, quick question. He is scheduled for online ARH (Survey Art I) this semester, and the time/place is still TBA. Has emailed the prof. so I’m sure he’ll hear something soon, but just curious - do the online courses start later than the regular ones? Seems odd to me that so far there has been no email with how this course even works, when it starts, is there an initial first in person meeting etc.</p>

<p>My son is taking an online course this fall. He’s been emailed by the professor, and he has to watch videos, do assignments. Your son should probably email the professor to make sure he’s on the roster for the class. My son was not on the mechanical engineering email list last year, and missed a lot of important announcements. We made sure he was added to the list over the summer, and it’s amazing how many emails he gets. Sometimes there’s an oversight and you don’t get included on the email list. I wouldn’t wait too much longer to check this out. Good luck!</p>

<p>For online courses, one needs to login to myBama, click on the student tab, and then find the link for that courses eLearning (Blackboard) page. All needed info should be found there.</p>

<p>I agree with Montegut on the importance of being on the departmental email lists. I get anywhere from 2 to 15 emails a day from UA and various departments of my college.</p>

<p>Yes! Make sure the student is on the ListServ for the class so that he gets the emails.</p>

<p>At my older son’s grad school (not Bama), he’s just discovered that the dept sec’y did not have him on her ListServ list. So, he’s missed some important announcements.</p>

<p>Im in ARH 253 (Survey of Art II) and the course has already “begun”. Be sure to check the elearning email, as online courses tend to use that to communicate. Also, remember you can forward your elearning email to your crimson account! It’s very helpful.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I looked (more like peeked since I try and stay out of his business!) and saw it was there under elearning. Will let him know this morning. It is a bit disconcerting that with no return email from the prof. and not being on an art history listserve (how would he have ever know about that?) that he might have not found this out until it was too late.</p>