Famous Toomers Corner trees poisoned; likely will die

<p>Save your sanctimonious crap for your church friends. You might want to read some Alabama fan message boards to see how many (most?) Bama fans truly feel about auburn. </p>

<p>Someone drilled a hole in the base of FOUR live oaks separating the athletic complex from the new Condos behind it. Nary a peep was heard from anyone about it other than a small article in the Tuscaloosa news. </p>

<p>A few months ago Coach Saban’s house on Lake Martin was vandalized with orange & blue spray paint and his patio furniture was thrown in the lake. Nary a word was said about it. </p>

<p>auburn alumni buying Gene Jelks and paying him to lie to the NCAA on us is 50 x worse than someone “allegedly” killing a damn tree. The ramifications from that act were felt by our school for 15 years. </p>

<p>And before your self righteous ass thinks this stuff doesn’t go on all over the country you might want to ask Texas A&M about their horse back in the day. The same horse that died from poisoning after some Texas fans painted it orange. </p>

<p>So anyway, I don’t give a damn who you’re ashamed of and don’t want to associate with. I’ll continue my first generation UA alumni hate of auburn and you can continue your 3rd generation pious pronouncements. I don’t speak for others and your types don’t speak for me.</p>


obviously, I do not.
I can tell you that there is not a single Bama fan that I know of who supports this, thankfully. And yes the actions you mention above are reprehensible, but that is no excuse for any sort of escalation. Good grief, calm down. </p>

<p>To any who might be reading this and considering Alabama, either for themselves or their kids, I don’t think that the above poster is representative of the attitudes of the majority of students on campus. At least I hope not. Alabama football is, however, part and parcel of the 'Bama experience and it’s a fantastic, exciting, roller-coaster of a ride and a wonderful plus in receiving a first-rate college education!</p>

<p>If no one you know thinks this thing is funny then you need to get out more. I’m friends with UA fans of all ages and demographics. And I’d say the majority of them are laughing about this right now. Read some UA message boards like Tider Insider, Bama on Line, and Bama Mag. Go on facebook and read all the comments. You’ll see many who feel as I do and even some who feel as you. </p>

<p>Would I have poisoned the tree? No</p>

<p>Did I laugh when I heard about it? Yes</p>

<p>Am I going to burn in hell because I laughed that a goofball actually went and poisoned their tree? Maybe so, but at least their tree will be down there with me :-)</p>

<p>You’re the one who needs to calm down over this. It’s just a damn tree. It’s not like we set fire to their library and burned all 7 of their books. Now that would be a real tragedy especially since 3 of them haven’t even been colored in yet.</p>

<p>Looks like the overwhelming majority opinion on the CC boards at least is </p>

<p>Trees good
poisoning trees bad
funny not</p>

<p>Seems reasonable. Your football team loses a big game to a rival; kill a tree. A properly balanced and well measured response.</p>

<p>Roll Damn Tide.</p>

<p>Arrest made in Toomer’s case, live news conference at 10:30 a.m.</p>

<p>WTVM-TV is reporting that Harvey Almorn Updyke, 62, from Dadeville is under arrest for the tree poisoning at Toomer’s corner charged with criminal mischief. He is being held on $50,000 bond.</p>

<p>School officials, in a statement Thursday morning, announced plans to hold a news conference at 10:30 a.m. in front of Samford Hall to discuss developments in the poisoning of Toomer’s Oaks.</p>

<p>[Arrest</a> reported in Auburn tree poisoning | ajc.com](<a href=“http://www.ajc.com/sports/arrest-reported-in-auburn-841586.html?cxtype=rss_news]Arrest”>http://www.ajc.com/sports/arrest-reported-in-auburn-841586.html?cxtype=rss_news)</p>

<p>Glad that guy is off the streets. Sick.</p>

<p>well, thank you to the classy, empathetic, cool BAMA people on here!! :slight_smile: my Auburn family will overlook the ignorance and cruelty of those who are lacking basic human strength of character.</p>

<p>btw, the reasoning to support killing the trees is a bit scary. hope those of you with this warped opinion don’t go into the medical, veterinary or missions fields!</p>

<p>feedback, let me know when the funeral will be. I’d like to come and pay my respects.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that the suspect is in custody. Some 60+ year old guy…crazy. No excuse for such behavior. </p>

<p>I’m glad that they caught the guy. At least no one can claim that any students were involved.</p>

<p>When I see (in other states), people going crazy and over-turning cars and setting property on fire after wins/losses – I shake my head. At least that doesn’t happen here.</p>

<p>njbama: nope. :stuck_out_tongue: ^^^</p>

<p>A good read on the Barner vs Bammer idiots…
[Bammers</a> and Barners: Twin children of different colors | Third Cup of Coffee](<a href=“http://thirdcupofcoffee.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2010/11/18/bammers-and-barners-twin-children-of-different-colors/]Bammers”>http://thirdcupofcoffee.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2010/11/18/bammers-and-barners-twin-children-of-different-colors/)
Choice quotes;</p>

<p>When you sit back and examine the Bammers and Barners, however, there are only two real differences: They wear different colors and they yell different yells. Otherwise, they come from the same stock</p>

<p>(4) They aren’t bright enough to work in the sanitation department of either school, much less pass an academic entrance exam.</p>

<p>(6) They shop for their college logo wear at Stuckey’s.</p>

<p>(7) They believe the rest of the world is deaf. If you’ve listened to these yahoos call into a radio show, you understand.</p>

<p>Hey feedback, why didn’t you stop throwing toilet paper in them when that report came out in 2007 detailing how the pressure washings were killing said trees?</p>

<p>Maybe you guys just lacked the strength of character to stop your juvenile celebrations for the good of those poor trees.</p>

<p>lol I’m actually an alum of The University of Alabama. And one that has the common sense to realize it’s just a DAMN TREE. </p>

<p>If they were so worried about their tree they would have stopped tp’ing it when the report came out FIVE YEARS ago detailing how the pressure washings after said celebrations were killing the tree.</p>

<p>The tree has been set on fire (not by a Bama fan), </p>

<p>It has been run into by a car (not by a Bama fan)</p>

<p>It has had concrete paved over it’s roots (not by a Bama fan)</p>

<p>It has been systematically “murdered” for the past 50 years by juvenile celebrations with nary a complaint. </p>

<p>Now some goofball decides to get a little vengeance and all the sanctimonious BS posts have to appear. </p>

<p>With all the murders, rapes, arsons, and other crimes out there were gonna obsess over a damn tree? </p>

<p>Maybe when I’m as educated as you are gojack I’ll be able to stereotype groups of people like you did in your post. Yeah I’m the one who needs to get a life.</p>

<p>Don’t be too hard on Alabama, this stuff goes on everywhere; and I admit, to my regret, that I have been, on occassion, drawn into the fray. Back in '06, I encountered a pedestrian bottleneck on 5th and 67th. Common courtesy requires, during busy times, that sight-seers or slow moving pedestrians walk park-side which is designed with wide sidewalks to accomodate leisurely walkers.</p>

<p>Needless to say, emotions ran high as we progressed southward at an excruciatingly slow pace. After several blocks I came upon the logjam. An elderly woman bedecked, head to toe (unsurprisingly) in Yale attire. She was, at that moment, stopped at a crosswalk explaining, to some other misfit, that her grandson had been accepted to Yale. Those people simply have no class.</p>

<p>Well, I dropped her like a sack of wheat (solid right cross to the dentures). And I am proud to say I did not even consider resorting to the kicking and spitting that typifies Cornellians.</p>

<p>My reaction, although regrettable in some sense, was understandable in light of the fact that the Crimson lost The Game in '06 and as a result, Yale fans…</p>

<p>NJBama: Okay, for several months now, I have been reading the UA thread, and you have to know that your rants are doing your alma mater no favors. There are many great and very diligent commenters out there providing all kinds of positive information – they are obviously passionate about spreading the word on what a great school UA is. Your negative claptrap can often overshadow all the favorable content provided here. My point is, my D is torn between Auburn or UA as to where she will go to school. I want her to give both schools SERIOUS consideration. While we know that reading blogs or gathering information from the web is just a small part of the decision-making process, it does give the reader some idea of the opinions, culture, and demeanor of the university. My daughter reads this thread, as does my husband, and the consensus is “Good grief, that poster named ‘NJBama’ is pretty awful, we hope he’s not representative of the general population of UA.” – get it?
Give the hate a rest. It’s not helpful.</p>

<p>Stats21…you’re pulling our collective leg, right? :D</p>

<p>Yeah I’m an awful person for not caring about a tree. Oh the horror. If you, your daughter, and your husband are that weak minded that you will choose a college based on one person then…</p>

<p>Why this whole topic is even on the Bama board I have no idea. Anyone with half a clue realizes how intense this rivalry is and that there will be some people who will laugh at auburn’s “pain”. I’m sorry if that skews your view of UA but that’s reality.</p>

<p>UA is a big school with a diverse population so of course you are going to have multiple opinions on everything, but again I say that I think the vast majority of the Bama community is appalled by the poisoning of the Toomer trees. It was just wrong and is the action of a warped and pathetic person.
My D actually emailed a link to an article about the poisoning this morning. she & her roommates were sickened by it.</p>