Famous Toomers Corner trees poisoned; likely will die

<p>I also tossed a Yale baby off a bridge once, but only after determining (by estimation) that the mother was of child bearing age. It’s important not to take these rivalries too seriously, and seeing as she could easily replace the baby, I felt that no permanent harm was done. All in good fun.</p>


<p>It is not a “damn tree”, it is a tree.
But more importantly it is their tree.
As such it is theirs to do do what they want with it.</p>

<p>For you to condone, endorse and enjoy the destruction of someone else’s property is just sick.
(Just as sick as one of your neighbors enjoying watching your property destroyed because they do not like you.)</p>

<p>If you are a graduate of the University of Alabama,
you reflect very poorly on your Alma mater.</p>

<p>Oh, and the stereotype is to show you how you are presenting yourself.</p>

<p>Once again, where is your indignation for the auburn fans who have been harming this tree for the past 50 years? </p>

<p>I’m supposed to give a rats ass about something that they liter with toilet paper when they want to celebrate something, be it a win or a rival coach’s death?</p>

<p>I didn’t poison the tree, I didn’t hire anyone to poison the tree. I won’t apologize for being in the same fan base as the guy who did so. </p>

<p>I will however continue to laugh when “bad” things happen to auburn. Be it a dead tree, A SACS hearing in regards to their accreditation, or an NCAA investigation. </p>

<p>If that makes me a bad fan or alum in your eyes then so be it. I just pray Dr Witt won’t take back my diploma or throw my little brother out of school because of it. Now excuse me because I have a funeral to prepare for.</p>

<p>I am a fan of the Union, and we have been undefeated in conference play since 1865; 146years of domination. Go Blue!</p>

<p>Damn you Stats, you bastiges burned down my beloved University and I want an apology. Fortunately you guys didn’t burn any trees while you destroyed the campus or this board would be all over you :-)</p>

<p>This board can use some more smartass humor. Post more often please.</p>

<p>Yes, well the Tuscaloosa campus, relatively barren at the time, was targeted to minimize the collateral damage to innocent trees and books. Regrettably, some trees were lost.</p>

<p>People… :)</p>

<p>Can you please take the smack talk to forums like bleacherreport.com or rivals.com</p>

<p>I apologize Mom, I will refrain from further comment about the tree on this board. Please accept this poem I wrote as a token of my sorrow. With apologies to Joyce Kilmer :-)</p>

<p>I THINK that I shall never see
A thing as dead as auburn’s tree.</p>

<p>A tree whose hungry mouth is stuffed
With toilet paper 3 ply, puffed;</p>

<p>A tree that prays they lose the game,
Or live with toilet paper shame;</p>

<p>A tree that may in Autumn wear
A nest of Charmin in her hair;</p>

<p>Upon whose bosom leaves are squashed;
By a redneck; pressure washed.</p>

<p>Poems are made by fools like me,
But someone else has killed that tree.</p>

<p>Here is a link to an excellent article about this:</p>

<p>[Toomer’s</a> Corner poisoning should enrage all fans, not just Auburn - Andy Staples - SI.com](<a href=“http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/andy_staples/02/17/toomers-corner/]Toomer’s”>http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/andy_staples/02/17/toomers-corner/)</p>

<p>Not possible. The Confederate site has not been updated in the last century.</p>

<p>Keeping with the developing spirit of reconcilliation on this thread, I would like to apologize for the Yale Baby incident. I regret my actions and any harm they may have caused.</p>

<p>The old lady, on the other hand, had it coming.</p>

<p>Can you all cool it with the way this thread’s direction has taken. Y’all are freaking me out! I have two students at UA and with what goes on at other campuses, it wouldn’t take much for some nutcase to take it one step further! I went to UA and trust me, I am no fan of Auburn, but there is a time and a place for things said and this is not the forum for this! We are trying to entice the brightest and best to attend UA. Think about how this is all sounding to a potential student not familiar with “THE RIVALRY”.</p>

<p>I am appalled by the poisoning of the tree, even though NJersey is correct that the trees were already dying. And if UA had such a tree, I think it would have been killed years ago, by one or more Auburn fans. The hatred is much more intense on their side. Trust me. </p>

<p>However, the intent to harm is the hurtful part of it. What is almost as bad as the poisoning is the fact that many people will attribute the actions of one nut to the entire UA family and fanbase! So NJ, while I agree that the rolling of a tree is a rather crude tradition, your reveling in their pain is not in harmony with Crimson class. Please think about how your words affect the school that I know you and I both love so much. </p>

<p>On the other hand, it is weird to me that they rolled the tree last night after hearing that it was poisoned, given that the regular pressure hosing of the tree to cleanse the paper from it, had already killed the tree. But what the fan did was inexcusable and certainly not representative of the class that we know and love.</p>

<p>I must (guiltily) confess that NJ’s parody of the Kilmer poem cracked me up. :eek</p>

<p>wow…that’s a pretty low move</p>

<p>blame the person not the fanbase though</p>

<p>Yeah, NJ’s poem cracked me up as well. Gotta admit it! :)</p>

<p>Loved the poem!</p>


I’m a potential student not very familiar with the rivalry (I’ve hardly ever been exposed to college football), but all of this is making me more excited to become part of a school that obviously has a ton of pride and school spirit. Rivalries are exciting and make the game more fun. And no, I don’t support classless actions that take the rivalry too far, but I completely agree with NJBama’s opinion that everyone is making too big of a deal out of a tree that was dying anyway. Furthermore, as NJBama has also pointed out, if a potential student’s opinion is swayed by posts on an online forum, they’re probably better off at another school.</p>

<p>NJ, you had the day off work today, didn’t you? I’m impressed you found time to write a poem. Your past teachers would be proud!</p>



<p>You’re doing more than not giving a rat’s ass. You’re actively mocking the destruction of somebody’s else cherished property.</p>

<p>Also, please provide proof Toomer’s Corner was rolled to celebrate the death of Bear Bryant. That’s one insidious accusation to throw.</p>

<p>Seeing as Auburn comes to campus next Wednesday for a basketball matchup, I’m expecting to see some witty signs. Depending on Coleman’s rules, I may or may not be on the court with a pair of seedlings wrapped in toilet paper. Evil, yes, but such is the Bama-Barn rivalry.</p>