Famous Toomers Corner trees poisoned; likely will die

<p>I think a campus-wide email from Dr Witt concerning a non UA alum’s intolerance towards dying Auburn trees would go a long way to healing the rift. Somehow just a few words from him seem to make a lot of people feel better about themselves…even if they weren’t responsible for whatever terrible deed was done.</p>

<p>I am really curious why NJBama hates Auburn so much.? Really, a rivalry is one thing, but out and out hatred? I went to UF which has a big rival that you may have heard of called FSU. We always have fun teasing each other, but hatred, why?? Isn’t there already enough hatred in the world than to add a school rivalry to it. This criminal act was irresponsible and if any Auburn fans over the years have desecrated UA in the name of “rivalry”, then that is also awful, but two wrongs don’t make a right.</p>

<p>lol wow you’re not even affiliated with UA in any way yet you feel the need to come on this board and try to insult me because I dared not cry over a tree. And people said I need to get a life?</p>

<p>I’m an alum of The University of Alabama which is all the reason I need to hate auburn. The reasons have been stated in several of my posts.</p>

<p>I didn’t poison the stupid tree. I simply laughed at the stupid barners crying and holding candlelight vigils over a tree that their own university said they’ve been killing by their celebration practices.</p>

<p>Aww, thanks, NJBama. Very, very classy of you. I apologize if I came across as sanctimonious and/or “holier than thou”. I hate it when people do that…it was not my intent. RTR!</p>

<p>And, again, your poem was pretty darn funny. You have a gift.</p>

<p>Thanks Church :-). </p>

<p>But now I have this gator who apparently has a daughter at moo U on my case. I shall not be apologizing for any words said to her. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Why posters of rival schools feel the need to come on an Alabama board and put their nose into something is beyond me.</p>

<p>NJBama, I most say that you are doing a great service to the University of Alabama. I’m sure that there are many boards that will agree with your thoughts but this one if for prospective students to have a glimpse of a university that is trying very hard and successfully to get top talent from all parts of the country.</p>

<p>I’m sure that you’re scaring the heck out of some parents not familiar with the south. This is not the 50’s or 60’s people are moving on…</p>

<p>Don’t ruin what M2CK and others have done for this forum. You can always youtube and post your point of view or show your happiness.</p>


<p>lol unreal. A UF grad and current mother of an auburn student comes on an Alabama board throwing personal insults and stiring up a topic that has been put to rest and I’m the one who’s scaring people? Who knew.</p>



<p>Sorry, no one needs to do anything to make Alabama fans look bad. Trust me, this is coming from an impartial party that had the misfortune of being stuck in Alabama for longer than I’d like to admit. I was privy to so many more classless acts or comments by Alabama fans than Auburn over the years that I can only conclude that the classlessness is not just some abberation for them but a standard for a disturbingly large percentage of that fanbase.</p>

<p>That being said I don’t just have issue with one team in that state. I’m no fan of Auburn’s “Heisman” winner and his father and I hope they pull Auburn’s title just like they did for USC and Reggie Bush. The rules should be applied to one just as the other.</p>

<p>lol another outsider with no reason to be on this board other than to stir up _____ pops up. </p>

<p>You just happen to join CC and make your first post on a board you have no ties to? Yeah you’re real impartial. </p>

<p>Add the previous two “outsiders” to my many other reasons for hating auburn. Don’t the both of you have a candlelight vigil to attend.</p>

<p>Attempts to be rational with the irrational are, in themselves, irrational. </p>

<p>Less is more.</p>

<p>Right on, Malanai. I think everything that can be said on this thread, has been said.</p>



<p>Actually a search engine brought me here and I hadn’t noticed it was an Alabama forum/sub-forum at that time. As far as needing to have affiliations to post in a forum, I don’t remember it being a prerequisite in the registration process so I assume it’s open to anyone to enter into discussion/debate in any forum of their choosing. I also question your understanding of impartiality, I didn’t take sides with either school mentioned and list my current issues with both parties in the thread based on my observations and experiences yet you think I somehow have an ulterior Auburn motive. Sorry to ruin your fantasy, but I prayed to the college football gods for their loss every single game from Iron Bowl on to the championship game because I’m certain they will get that championship yanked. My only actual motives, if you will call them that, are concerning NCAA football and seeing the current BCS system wither and die in lieu of a playoff series so that I can truly enjoy the game again. Now if you’d like me to be absolutely fair to this forum I’ll go into the Auburn forum, if there is one, and post my thoughts in a suitable thread of your choice.</p>

<p>So, in search of consensus, let us agree to the following:</p>

<li><p>The tree poisoning, while unfortunate and sad, is not a reflection of Alabama, its players, coaches, or fans.</p></li>
<li><p>While heated, the Alabama - Auburn rivalry is generally kept appropriately in perspective by most, but not all, Alabamans.</p></li>
<li><p>Yale sucks.</p></li>
<li><p>The BCS discriminates against non-AQ conferences and perpetuates negative administrative practices.</p></li>
<li><p>Injured, elderly, gout-ridden, and lazy 5th Avenue pedestrians should, in all instances, walk parkside between the hours of 8 and 10 am, and 6 and 8 pm. </p></li>

<p>Now, lets get back to our knitting (mine figurative, yours literal).</p>

<p>NJ, just when you thought you were out, they just keep pulling you back in. Hold your head high. I for one appreciate your wit and humor, as well as your contribution to this board.<br>
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks Rose. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Hey NJBama… don’t you want to fess up and admit to everyone that you didn’t write that poem and that you copied and pasted it from Tider Insider?</p>


<p>I have yet to talk to a Bama fan who thinks this is funny. All have been disgusted</p>

<p>Well read back through this thread alone and you’ll see a few besides me. Or log onto one of the UA fan boards like TiderInsider.com or Bamaonline.com and read thousands of others who feel exactly as I do.</p>

<p>NJBAma I’ll ask again, don’t you want to fess up and admit to everyone that you didn’t write that poem and that you copied and pasted it from Tider Insider?</p>

<p>I guess when when you can hide behind the computer you can say its funny but when confronted face to face people realize what is wrong about it. It is real easy to talk smack, say stupid stuff etc when you can hide behind your screen.</p>

<p>I said talk (as in face to face) not post behind the veil of anonymity.</p>