Famous Toomers Corner trees poisoned; likely will die



<p>According to this article, “The man said he poisoned the trees the week after last year’s Iron Bowl because he said he saw a newspaper clipping from 1983 showing Auburn fans rolling Toomer’s Corner the day former Alabama football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant died.”</p>

<p>[Does This Look Like the Face of An Alabama Fan Who Poisoned Iconic 130 Year Old Trees At Auburn After The Iron Bowl? Barstool Sports: Boston](<a href=“http://boston.barstoolsports.com/random-thoughts/does-this-look-like-the-face-of-an-alabama-fan-who-poisoned-iconic-130-year-old-trees-at-auburn-after-the-iron-bowl/”>http://boston.barstoolsports.com/random-thoughts/does-this-look-like-the-face-of-an-alabama-fan-who-poisoned-iconic-130-year-old-trees-at-auburn-after-the-iron-bowl/&lt;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>That’s not proof.</p>

<p>What proof do you want? If I had a time machine I’d take a pic for you but sadly my flux capacitor is broken. </p>

<p>There have been thousands of fans who said they saw Toomer’s rolled after Coach died. Even some auburn fans admit to doing the deed though they claim it was in honor and not in spite. Pure BS. They hated Coach Bryant because he owned their asses for two decades.</p>

<p>I’m apparently not as classy as some on here because yes I do find humor in the barners absolutely melting down over their tree. They had a candle light vigil last night for craps sake. And then the geniuses rolled the tree again despite them being told for at least the last 5 years that pressure washing the tree during cleanup is killing it. You’d think an agricultural school would know pressure washing trees isn’t a good idea.</p>

<p>Some of you act like we burned down Tara. It’s a tree on the corner of a 4 way intersection surrounded by concrete buildings and street lights. Spare me the romanticism of it all.</p>

<p>If someone had shot their Eagle I’d agree the guy should be thrown under the jail. But for a tree??? Not IMHO.</p>

<p>I just can’t wait until the genius barners hatch a plan to poison our statues in retaliation :-)</p>

<p>Glad you can minimize other’s tradition like that. Are you this detached when somebody desecrates a grave or burns a flag? It’s just a pile of dirt and piece of cloth, afterall.</p>

<p>NJB, let me put this incident into terms that are more meaningful for you. </p>

<p>As you have pointed out, the trees were slowly being killed by the constant pressure washings required after rolling. They were going to have be torn down or protected from rollings in the future anyway, at which point you would have had free reign to mock Auburn for this. Now, the trees have been destroyed at the hands of Alabama “fan.” </p>

<p>Consequently, you have not only been denied to ability to mock Auburn for destroying their trees all by own hand, but now you have to deal with the indignity of having to bear partial responsibility for it.</p>

<p>lol you’re comparing a grave and our flag to a tree that the barners themselves desecrate after every victory? that’s as priceless as the barners on facebook and Finebaum comparing this “tragedy” to 9/11. You have heard those callers haven’t you?</p>

<p>You DO understand that they think so fondly of this tree that they throw toilet paper on it and then power wash the living hell out of the thing? And they’ve done this even after their own university issued a report saying the trees were dying because of these actions. Now I’m supposed to hold their tree sacred?</p>

<p>You’re too young to remember but THEY started this war with the Gene Jelks fiasco. You can get mad at me all you want but I’m not the one who poisoned the tree. I simply view the situation differently than you do. I’m afraid of heights so I’ll concede the moral high ground to you and yours.</p>

<p>Partial responsibility? Because some whacko happens to root for the University that I attended I’m responsible for his actions? Ain’t that a *****.</p>

<p>Am I responsible for Bernie Madoff screwing over all those investors too since he attended UA also?</p>

<p>I don’t believe so myself, of course, but that won’t stop Barners from saying so every single time.</p>

<p>Once again, LSUFREEK poignaintly summarizes the matter at hand:</p>


<p>(yeah, I can’t stop laughing)</p>

<p>They say a lot of stuff. I’ve learned to laugh in their face and walk away. In a couple months you won’t even see them around anymore because they’ll be scurrying like rats once the NCAA gets through with them.</p>

<p>The only thing that really bothers me about this story is that it dominated the news on the day that two major news organizations reported that the NCAA is investigating auburn’s recruiting tactics in Louisiana. Fortunately the NCAA doesn’t care about this goofball tree killer and the investigation into auburn’s recruiting will continue with or without the state media covering the story.</p>

<p>NJBama: I thought you weren’t going to post about the tree anymore, can’t live up to your own promises?
Really, take it elsewhere… this is a friendly informative forum.</p>

<p>Kansas, I saw that earlier and cracked up. LSU Freek is the man.</p>

<p>robot, show me where I haven’t been friendly? I got jumped for dare having an opinion that wasn’t PC. I’ve been called classless, an embarrassment, a redneck, uneducated and a few other derogatory names by posters in this thread. Funny how no one runs to my defense like they did the tree’s</p>

<p>I’d be happy to let this issue die if people would stop bringing it back to the top. But as long as it’s being commented on and posters are accusing me of being an ass, I’ll continue defending my OPINION.</p>

<p>it makes all bama fans look bad…as with all such incidents, it’s probably unjustified to blame every one of them, but the media will report what they will…</p>

<p>look down at the idiot a-hole who did this…there’s nothing to report if nothing is done</p>



<p>No, I like Finebaum himself, but I treasure my brain cells too much to listen to dreck of humanity that calls into that show. :)</p>

<p>You are free to your opinion. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.</p>

<p>lol well we can certainly agree on that :-)</p>

<p>I talked with a friend today who graduated from Texas A&M. He said that in years past, the Aggies have stolen UT’s longhorn steer, killed it, and eaten it! That seems even worse to me than this crime, but still, it is not classy to gloat over someone’s precious property being damaged.</p>

<p>As frustrating as it is in this day of such readily available info, you can find as many people who swear they were THERE in Auburn the day Bear Bryant died, and that there was no TP in the trees to “celebrate” his death. Others swear they were there and the opposite is true. </p>

<p>Regardless, as we all have heard, two “wrongs” do NOT make a “right” and this guy’s attempt to justify his actions is futile.</p>

<p>In other news, Auburn is probably just trying to avoid more bad press from the two (!) NCAA investigations that have set up shop there in the last couple weeks.</p>

<p>If robot will allow me just one one more post :-), I’d like to apologize to you Churchmom.</p>

<p>My words and tone to you were a bit harsh earlier and I apologize for the incivility. Sometimes the yankee in me doesn’t always come across well in the written word. So though I disagree with you on this whole thing, I do offer my apologies for my earlier words.</p>