FAQ for USC Financial Aid

<p>^ For tax returns, I think they only require the first 2 pages or so. If you have the full Adobe program, it’s possible to scan these and compile it into one PDA file. If not, it’s probably better just to fax them. Personally, I prefer faxing since it’s less time-consuming for me. I uploaded a couple of files that only required one sheet. For the rest, I faxed so I don’t see why there would be a problem even if USC “prefers” uploading. I was still able to get extremely generous financial aid.</p>

<p>Sequoia, try <a href=“https://camel2.usc.edu/ESD/IOL/login.aspx[/url]”>https://camel2.usc.edu/ESD/IOL/login.aspx&lt;/a&gt; The Oasis with the STARS report for us still just shows the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, but this one has the 2010-2011 document status. No actual fin aid info yet, though - we won’t hear until June, I think.</p>

<p>Like blissfulting, I still FAX everything. Unlike blissfulting, the reason I do is that uploading is too complicated for my aged brain.</p>

<p>Thanks alamemom. I tried that one and I can’t access, don’t know why…says password or username is wrong. Weird.
At least I can get to OASIS through myUSC.</p>

<p>I’ll just wait, maybe it won’t be updated till May 3rd when everything is due.</p>

<p>I will also fax everything…</p>

<p>We have a welcome letter with a link for a survey and for contact us but how do we get to the actual award?</p>

<p>Edit - found it - you have to scroll right to find the continue button!</p>

<p>PS Go USC - future Trojan in the family!</p>

<p>Sequoia - I always call that Oasis the “old” Oasis because it is the one D used to check application status - for us it works with her old application username and password. </p>

<p>threetreasures - Hooray!!! Fight on!</p>

<p>Still have not received anything regarding FA. </p>

<p>Are most people in the same boat, or have most already received their FA Packages?</p>


<p>nothing here :(</p>

<p>Ditto. Not a thing here, either. :frowning: My husband hovers over waiting for me to check. ;)</p>

<p>I’m not familiar with Oasis, so I hope it’s okay that USConnect is the way we get on. We click on Financial Aid at the top and then the Financial Aid Awards box. It just says:</p>

<p>**Thank you for visiting the USC Financial Aid Office. Your financial aid information is currently unavailable because your award has not yet been determined. Graduate students should receive their Financial Aid Summaries starting April 1 and continuing throughout the summer. Continuing undergraduate students will begin receiving their Financial Aid Summaries in June. Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions or concerns, or need to speak with a financial aid counselor, please visit [USC</a> Financial Aid](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/financialaid]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/financialaid) or contact us at [USC</a> Financial Aid - Contact Us](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/contactfao]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/contactfao). **</p>

<p>^yup, same message here</p>

<p>same thing, waiting…</p>

<p>thinking about calling fin aid office today…</p>

<p>someone said they called, and the package was ready just not posted online. so the guy on the phone did it for her/him.

<p>You might want to call the financial aid office. I, too, was waiting and waiting for our aid offer. I called the office and was told that they are missing 2009 1040. I immediately sent it in and am now hoping for aid package to be decided within a week or so. I guess I thought the 1040 would be received through IDOC. Anyway, might be a good idea to call and make sure everything is received.</p>

<p>I just received my FA package this morning…the notification email was sent yesterday at 12:40AM. I’m a bit disappointed with the FA that I received. USC increased my EFC, so it now stands at $47K.</p>

<p>boomie - that is a great reminder for those who might have thought the same thing you did. USC does not use the IDOC service. You must submit your tax returns and W-2s to USC yourself! Thanks for posting the reminder!</p>

<p>greymatters - Ouch! Have you figured out what your plans are yet? Or still letting it sink in before you decide?</p>

<p>I just logged into USConnect to find out my financial aid, and I’m saddened to see that my EFC is 38k. $38,000 is with unsubsidized and subsidized loans, along with work study (which I’ve heard is difficult to get)!!!</p>

<p>I really want to go to USC, but there’s no way my parents can afford that much each year. I’ve read in this thread that once a sibling graduates from college, the financial aid office does not consider that when deciding how much in grants you get. However, my sister just graduated from college in May. She attended an expensive university for undergraduate and graduate school, and we are still paying her tuition to this day. </p>

<p>Would it be useful to contact the Fin Aid Office and ask if there’s anyway they can consider this and increase my grants? Is it best to email/call/or mail a letter? </p>

<p>USC has been one my top choices for quite awhile, and I really hope my college decision does not have to be so greatly affected by cost.</p>

<p>cOllegebound, you are correct that the sibling benefit only exists when a family has two or more undergraduates attending at the same time, and so does not apply in your case.</p>

<p>It would not hurt to send a letter or email detailing the expenses for your sister over the last several years and the loan amounts still outstanding and ask if they can reconsider your aid. The worst they can do is say “no.”</p>

<p>Be prepared to document any special circumstances and expenses in case they do decide to consider an adjustment.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I had called yesterday to ask them about something else and mentioned that the FA package will determine whether my daughter and I will be making the long drive down for an occupational therapy information session coming up. In other words, if it’s bad news, we’re not going. I don’t want to spend the gas, food, two nights in a motel, etc. before knowing what the FA award is going to be. Not to mention taking off two days of school. I asked the financial counselor if my daughter can call Friday to see if they have it ready and will let her know what it is over the phone. Yes, IF it’s available. </p>

<p>**LMU10 wrote:</p>

<p>same thing, waiting…</p>

<p>thinking about calling fin aid office today…</p>

<p>someone said they called, and the package was ready just not posted online. so the guy on the phone did it for her/him.
hmm **</p>

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>So, I submitted everything VERY late because i had to do everything on my own without my parents help. I found out that my EFC is 270. What does that mean? I mean my parents are willing to pay $20.000 (including tuition, room and board, travel, books etc.) and we stated that on PROFILE.
and, do you think i’ll get ‘some’ money even though i applied very late? USC is my top and only choice. its either USC or penn state and i really dont wanna attend PSU because i got into Marshall and thats just amazing.</p>

<p>Yo i sent in both mine and my parents tax returns along with custodial but now USC is asking for a copy of ‘Section C’ on my mothers tax returns… She is currently unemployed so I’m not quite sure what they would want an independent business part of her taxes for… (Cue aLameMom)</p>

<p>i got an email from USC saying the financial aid was ready online.
the associates scholarship was 12,500 , a little more than a quarter of tuition (40k i guess?)
i also got a “university scholarship” which i never heard of till now. not sure what it is or why i got it, but its 2,500 more free money</p>

If you have an EFC of $270, that means your “Expected Family Contribution” or otherwise money that your parents will have to contribute either from savings or loans is only $270. But you say that your parents can afford $20k? That’s a huge difference between what they say you can afford, and what you can actually afford (except in your case, it’s a good thing). If you didn’t get any help from your parents (lol, I know what feels like - I didn’t either), are you sure you filed everything correctly? And what is “VERY” late? There’s a difference between applying on March 10th and March 30th.</p>

<p>*According to someone on Facebook who called the Financial Aid office, USC is “out of money” to give at this point. I’m not sure how true that is. But even if it were, don’t start freaking out if you haven’t received your package yet because it may just mean they’ve completed yours but haven’t sent it or posted it online for some reason.</p>

You may want to call the FA office to clear up that mistake.</p>

I got a university scholarship too, and like you, I wasn’t aware it would be applied to my FA. Perhaps it’s an extra scholarship they give to all scholarship recipients? I’m just speculating here. But yeah, it’s a good thing so I’m not complaining! :)</p>