<p>I faxed my tax return and w2 last week friday due to request and I emailed them if they received it but no reply yet. Does it takes 2 weeks to “receive” like everything else?</p>
<p>If you use the customized cover sheets you get instant email confirmation. Was your name and USC ID number on it and did your FAX confirmation say it was succesfully sent? Did you double-check the phone number? If all of the above are correct, it is most likely in their hands.</p>
<p>You can call to ask if they have everything, or you can re-send with the customized cover sheet (available in “My Financial Aid”) if you think the FAX was not sent or if it was sent to the wrong phone number.</p>
<p>Wow, after a couple days I decide to ask here and they send me a confirmation email lol. They received it but my financial aid status still says I need to send them in? I guess it will change tomorrow.</p>
<p>My financial aid status still states I need to turn them in. I will email them but it will take half a week for a response and when I call them, all they tell me after 20 minutes of waiting on the phone is “its ok.” Has anyone had this before? You turn something in, they say they got it but the status still says you need to turn it in.</p>
<p>In January and February things you send in generally get listed very quickly, but as the big rush starts in March and April, it takes as much as two weeks for things to show up on your status as received. That is because the financial aid office gets VERY busy at that time. The cusomized cover sheets are very helpful because you can get instant email notification when you use them and save yourself the worry.</p>
<p>Good job being persistant to get the confirmation you needed that they have everything. You don’t need to worry about the status online because you have talked to an actual human who says it is there.</p>
<p>Your right, March and April is really busy so I guess it would take a long time.</p>
<p>To: allemomom </p>
<p>Thank you for your great support on this USC forum.</p>
<p>To make it short, we did get the package on the 27th and we made a deposit yesterday.
The package was actually great.</p>
<p>Work/studay $2500
USC grant $27270
Loans $5500
Talent Scholarship $4000 (Roski scholarship for talented artist/scholar $2000/semester)</p>
<p>and my family share is only $500!!! </p>
<p>On CCS we said we are willing to pay $2000/year feeling shameful. </p>
<p>God does provide everything. </p>
<p>My D was diagnosed with Infantile Fibrosacoma (rarest cancer) 5 years ago and it was none other than USC who saved her life, literally. </p>
<p>Now 5 years later, against all odds, she is healthy and going to college! God gave me two words one day while I was praying that was “manna” and “pray”. I am not saying this to advocate a religion here or to provoke anybody by saying this. I just had to share the happiness and gratitude. </p>
<p>USC was not her first choice school (Cornell or UCLA locally) but it became so obvious USC is a perfect school for my D after she got admitted.</p>
<p>It was a great journey and college confidential helped me grealtly. </p>
<p>Yesterday was my 46th birthday and this is the best b-day gift I ever got!</p>
<p>Thank you everyone!!!</p>
<p>Happy birthday! I am glad to hear you got such good news. Congratulations!</p>
<p>How **WONDERFUL **for you and your daughter! Happy birthday, indeed! :)</p>
<p>I’m confused about the award, though. It doesn’t add up to the total cost of $55,000+. Where does the remaining amount come from? Just curious how that works! You said it was:</p>
<p>**Work/study $2500
USC grant $27270
Loans $5500
Talent Scholarship $4000 (Roski scholarship for talented artist/scholar $2000/semester)</p>
<p>and my family share is only $500!!! </p>
<p>is there a deadline to ask for changes to your EFC/apply for parent plus loans?</p>
<p>There isn’t really a deadline to apply for PLUS loans - parents can apply during the school year if they find they need them. If you need them to pay for tuition and fees for the Fall semester (everything for your first semester will be due BEFORE classes start), remember it takes 3 or more weeks for all the processing and approvals. You should begin application procedures as soon as possible, or by early June to have plenty of time.</p>
<p>Like everything else, it will go more smoothly if you apply early. As the beginning of the semester gets closer, there will be a huge rush and backup in the financial aid office as late applications and paperwork come in.</p>
<p>Remember, parents must qualify for PLUS loans, so getting everything in early will give you time to find other options if the loan is not approved. PLUS info: [USC</a> Financial Aid - Loans - Federal Parent PLUS Loan for Undergraduate Students](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/loans/undergradplus.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/loans/undergradplus.html)</p>
<p>There is no deadline to ask for re-evaluation of your need. If your financial circumstances change during the year you can contact the financial aid office to discuss it.</p>
<p>im hoping you can help me alamemom</p>
<p>under my fin aid documents, i now have this under required “Description for [SPRQ.01] is blank”</p>
<p>any idea?</p>
<p>and i was reading through the thread to eliminate dumb questions, and the saying “USC meets 100 percent of USC determined need” seems a bit misleading if USC jipped you because they determine what you get. so…yea i can meet 100 percent of my need if i could determine it as well lol. </p>
<p>but my question was is there a way for me to check my CSS EFC info?
i already know my FAFSA EFC, but i wanted to guesstimate my fin aid package since i have to SIR by june 1st :(</p>
<p>The CSS doesn’t give an EFC because each school that uses the CSS/Profile uses the information in slightly different ways. You can, however go to the College Board website (which is where you filled out the CSS/Profile) and use their “Institutional Method” calculator to get a general estimate of how much you would be expected to contribute at a Profile school.</p>
<p>USC will make every effort to present your package before the June 1st commitment deadline for Spring admits - assuming you submitted everything by the deadline. Double-check that you submitted both parent and student 2009 tax return copies and W-2s. If you do not have your package by June 1st you can request an extension to make the commitment deposit until your financial aid information is received.</p>
<p>Once your package is complete, USC will be willing to discuss with you what went into determining your need - all you have to do is call or email and ask.</p>
<p>I do not agree that this is misleading:
- they clearly state that they meet 100% of **USC-determined **need, and do not suggest that they will use your FAFSA EFC except to distribute Federal aid - though I certainly understand that financial aid takes determined effort to thoroughly understand. The funds being distributed using the CSS/Profile are USC’s own money from USC donors, so they certainly are justified in applying their own rules to its distribution and use.</p>
<p>Hopefully you also applied to FAFSA-only schools such as the UCs or CSUs (if you are a California resident) or publics in your home state if you feel you would receive a better financial aid package from one of those schools.</p>
<p>As a very general estimate, you can take your FAFSA EFC and ADD to it 5.6% of your home equity AND 5.6% of any assets you were able to protect if you passed the “simplified needs test.”</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>i did submit everything by deadline…but this “Description for [SPRQ.01] is blank” just came up yesterday.</p>
<p>i still have no idea what it is…do you?
ive emailed a FIN AID counselor and no response yet.</p>
<p>go through the CSS you submitted at look for SPRQ.01.</p>
<p>No, I don’t know what it is. Since it shows up under “Required Documents,” emailing was a good idea. They generally respond to emails within 3 business days.</p>
<p>alright, thanks anyways :)</p>
<p>happy late mothers day.</p>
<p>For future reference…I just got an email from the assistant director of FA in regards to my question of what is SPRQ.01.</p>
<p>she said…“In regards to your SPRQ.01, your family has indicated that one or both of your parents are dislocated worker’ status. Please indicate if one or both of your parents have lost a job or experienced a reduction in income.”</p>
<p>i had another question…somewhere earlier in this thread you mentioned that siblings that are at SC together get a split EFC for undergrad only. does that also work with UC’s as well?</p>
<p>Federal EFC is split evenly per capita</p>
<p>Profile EFC is split 60% to each of 2 students, not as generous</p>