<p>mstransfer - thanks for getting the info!</p>
<p>doandydo - first, CONGRATULATIONS on your acceptance!!!</p>
<p>Now, let me check to see if i understand the GI money: You will get $5,025/semester plus $2,052/month for rent? </p>
<p>$5,025 X 2 semesters = $10,050
$2,052 X 8 months = $16,416 (Or do they give you 12 months of rent?)
Total = $26,466 from GI Bill - is that correct?</p>
<p>They figured a $46,000 cost of attendance, and with tuition at $40,000+ it seems they assumed you would have the GI Bill for room and board and only added books and expenses of about $6,000.</p>
<p>The GI plus USC grant = $52,232 in free money
Work/Study = $2750
Perkins + SUBS Stafford = $5,500</p>
<p>Total = $60,482</p>
<p>If you think you can economize and live a bit more cheaply, you might try starting with just the $1,000 perkins and $4,500 subs Stafford. Sign up for the monthly payment plan and see if you can squeeze the other $6,000 (about $750/month) out of your living expenses. If in November you find you really do need that other $6,000 you can still request it then. (Do you have a family to support?)</p>
<p>If you did that, after two years you would only have $11,000 in debt. If you take the full loans it would be $23,000.</p>