Farewell Notes.

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>For all those deferred/rejected, I'm sure the majority are going to go visit <em>cough stalk cough</em> other boards on CC. This is your chance to leave something on the Yale board!</p>

<p>Please leave your status, where you're going to lurk, and any notes you'd like to say.</p>

<p>For me,</p>


<p>Stanford, Princeton, UPenn</p>

<p>I have a biting sense of humor. See you guys around and friend me on CC if you can!</p>



<p>Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, some liberal art schools possibly. I will likely be a far less frequent visitor of this site after this, to be honest.</p>

<p>I’ll miss you guys, but I see no reason to hang around here after this.</p>

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>I was also deferred. :confused: Oh well, life goes on! </p>

<p>I’ll be lurking and posting around quite a few boards because I’m applying to a lot more schools – Williams, Pomona, Stanford, Dartmouth, Columbia, Cornell, etc., you name it, I’ll probably be there. Feel free to friend me if you’re a fellow Yale deferree who’s applying to any schools on my list! You guys were wonderful and I hope to see you guys again. </p>


I’ll probably still lurk around here, but not as much. Y’all will see more of me come March.
For now, it’s off to WUSTL, Penn, Georgetown, Emory, Columbia, Tufts, and a few others…I will be busy :)</p>

<p>rejected. </p>

<p>peace homies</p>

<p>What scares me is that all these people are applying to roughly the same schools as me, thus becoming yet another competition for very limited spots. Hopefully, WashU will take me…</p>

<p>deffered (cry) </p>

<p>im binging on all the IVs baby!</p>

<p>great thread!</p>

<p>so i was flat out rejected. lovely. not.</p>

<p>i plan to lurk at brown, columbia, williams and maybe some more.
you Yale SCEAers were awesome. i love you guys, but i dont really plan on coming back to this thread.</p>

<p>it was fun while it lasted. i love(d) Yale however i now hate the entire state of connecticut, fyi.</p>


<li>i meant “board” not “thread”</li>


<p>i got deferred, so i’ll still be here</p>

<p>plus harvard, princeton, MIT, duke, and some others</p>

<p>Reject :(</p>

<p>Farewell dah-lings. This sucks, I’m numb, no fun.</p>

<p>But life goes on… hahaha:
Dartmouth, Penn, Middlebury, Amherst, NYU, Stanford, Wake Forest, Washington and Lee, WashU, Richmond, Southern Methodist, and Duke. </p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to University of Texas - Austin, Baylor University, and Tulane. We’ll see how the rest of these go…</p>



<p>Penn, definitely. Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Duke.</p>


<p>Off to HPS, UPenn, Northwestern, and BC!</p>

<p>These boards are already changing. I hoped that we wouldn’t see some of the bitterness that other EA/ED schools experienced, but I guess it’s bound to happen anywhere.</p>


<p>Columbia, WUSTL, Brown, Cornell, Williams, and a few others.</p>

<p>I was never a frequent poster on this board but I definitely enjoyed all the humor of Yale SCEAers. It’s too bad I’ll be lurking on some other board after this. I wish you guys the best of luck with your other applications!</p>

<p>I’ll probably lurk around Brown. They aren’t as cool though.</p>

<p>So, I too was deferred. Sigh.</p>

<p>I’m applying to Cornell, UPenn, Boston College, Vasar, and Tufts.</p>

<p>I will definitely come to the Yale boards every now and then, but since there isn’t much I can do about my application now, you’ll probably find me lurking around the Cornell boards.</p>

<p>It’s been great being here and meeting all of you guys; you really are great. Good luck wherever you end up, and send me a CC friend request if you want ;).</p>

<p>March 31st, anyone? :confused:

<p>deferred (Happy I still have a chance…not)</p>

<p>Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Syracuse, Penn State
Architecture Major. </p>

<p>Question for anyone,
After applying to Yale, I published a book through my school that will be on sale nationwide through borders, amazon, etc and forgot to put that I volunteered for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Should I tell them this? Also I’m a female that plays the tuba, suprisingly well according to my band teacher. Should I send a music sample to Yale eventhough I don’t plan on majoring in music. </p>


<p>Great to see that everyone is applying to amazing schools. Where you go, you’ll be happy.</p>

<p>patgirl, I think the book thing is pretty significant. You could also add the Barack Obama campaign activity if it really was a big deal to you, but unless you’re extremely good at the tuba, I wouldn’t send in the music supplement. Yale discourages people from sending in anything that’s not top quality. If that’s you, go for it. If you’re good, but not great… I would reconsider.</p>

<p>deferred =(</p>

<p>you’ll probably find me at UNC, Brown, Rice, Wes, and UVA!</p>

<p>miss you all <3 & see ya around CC</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice yalerose.</p>