Fascinating piece from Washington Monthly

This reveals a lot about how well some public universities do, relative to others, in educating low-income students. It might not be entirely fair, and I’m sure that many number-crunchers on this site will find considerable fault, but it should provoke some lively commentary.


Nothing surprising here. PSU (and Pitt and Temple) are essentially privates now in that they get hardly any state funding from PA (I believe that PA provides 2% or so of PSU’s budget these days). UDel is in a similar situation.
'Bama doesn’t provide any of its oen money as need-based fin aid to poor students.
IN is a mid-sized state with 2 giant AAU flagships with moderately demanding standards, so it’s likely that what they say (that there aren’t enough qualified poor kids in IN to meet the Washington Monthly percentages) is true.

Kudos to CA and FL for having funding for in-state colleges which help drive the Pell percentages up.