Fashion Design

<p>Hey everyone. (:</p>

<p>I applied for journalism at my ED school and planned on doing so for all RD... but I noticed Purdue, and I believe a couple others, had a fashion design major. Is anyone involved with that program? What's it like? I'm really interested in fashion, but I've never actually designed anything before. I'm just wondering if I should take a risk and do something I'd find really fun, or if journalism is still the best option.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Purdue</a> University - apparel<em>design</em>tech</p>

<p>I can't say that I really know much about the program. There is a downside that if you would go to Purdue for fashion design and not like it, you couldn't switch to journalism at Purdue.</p>

<p>However, there is an upside that if you stayed in fashion design but wanted to do a bit of journalism, you could work for the Exponent, the campus daily newspaper. It's largely student run and distributes about 17,000 copies every weekday. This is without being backed by a journalism school.</p>