<p>"Fire at will!.....who's will?"</p>
<p>"I am an intelligent life form. This is not my natural environment."</p>
<p>"Fire at will!.....who's will?"</p>
<p>"I am an intelligent life form. This is not my natural environment."</p>
<p>personally i've been saying:</p>
<p>"<strong><em>, I don't give a </em></strong>, don't you know who the * I AM!?"</p>
<p>"Get that **** out my face, *****!"</p>
<p>-The Juggernaut</p>
<p>"If it's worth doing well, it's worth doing poorly." --Winston Churchill (no kidding--look it up)</p>
<p>"If it's broke, don't fix it." Not sure who said it, but I think he works at a computer help desk.</p>
<p>This has to be said......" I'm the Jugernaut, *****!"</p>
<p>"But sir, man proposes but God disposes."</p>
<p>Napoleon replied,"No, Napoleon proposes and Napoleon disposes."
-Day before Battle of Waterloo</p>
<p>Also, from "Oh Brother, Where art Thou?"</p>
<p>"And remember, Jesus saves, and George Nelson WITHDRAWS!"
-George Nelson</p>
<p>"I don't FOP, I want Dapper Dan, I'm a Dapper Dan Man!"
-Ulysses Everett Mcgill</p>
<p>"Bare no animosity, and make your sons Americans."
-Robert E. Lee</p>
<p>""Those who will not be governed by God, will be ruled by tyrants."
William Penn</p>
<p>"It is impossible to rightly govern without God and the Bible"
-George Washington</p>
<p>"Religion is the basis and foundation of government."
James Madison
"That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic rests."
Andrew Jackson</p>
<p>"That is something up with which I will not put!"
--Winston Churchill (on ending sentences with prepositions)</p>
<p>"The power of accurate observation is often described as cynicism by those who don't have it."
--George Bernard Shaw</p>
<p>lol i love that Bernard Shaw one leah377</p>
<p>heres a new one</p>
<p>"El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz"
--Benito Juarez</p>
"The peace is the respect of anothers rights"</p>
<p>....it looses somethin in translation but thats what it means =P</p>
<p>Peace is respect for the other's rights.</p>
<p>"May your first son be a masculine one!"</p>