FE exam

<p>Are you required to take it in order to get your Bachelor's?</p>

<p>Is one suggested to take it?</p>

<p>No. I believe FE Exam is for engineers who want a P.E. license.</p>

<p>When do most people take it?</p>

<p>Some colleges have it as a graduation requirement.</p>

<p>Most people usually take it during during their last semester. It’s offered twice a year; once in October and once in April.</p>

<p>It varies, depending on the school. Most colleges probably have no FE exam requirement for undergraduates.</p>

<p>However, some colleges require engineering majors to **take<a href=“but%20not%20necessarily%20to%20pass”>/b</a> the FE exam as a condition for graduation. This can be because they want to encourage their students to consider PE licensure, and/or because they use the FE exam as an assessment exam, to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their students.</p>

<p>And then there are a few programs that use the FE as an exit exam – you are required to pass in order to get your degree. But I think is relatively rare.</p>

<p>Civil engineering majors routinely take the FE exam, whether it is required by the college or not, because of the importance of PE licensure in this field.</p>