<p>Soooooo, ITT I say we should list our fears, both ultimate and proximal, "rational" and phobic, silly, unusual, and mundane.</p>
<p>I personally get peculiarly uneasy around cockroaches, not so much that I can't handle interacting with them, but more in that I get a wee bit anxious in their presence (for no particular reason). Other things that I'd rather avoid and might get apprehensive about are boredom (as found in the soul crushing repetitiveness of some mindless task) and, eventually, senility, or maybe rather mental infirmity stemming from any and all causes. Most other things don't bother me very much (not counting the usual, of course -- we all probably are a *little *afraid, at least, when we or our loved ones are in danger and the like).</p>
<p>Eeeeew cockroaches are the worst thing of all time. Eh, I am the same way around those disgusting huge moths that have swollen bodies and are disgusting and flap around and woosh by my head and and and <em>hyperventilate</em> LOL. I mean, I am not like… afraid of them, but I’m always like “eeeeh, moths go away from me please before I die please go away” lol, for completely irrational reasons.
Hm, and of course I’m always terrified that I will actually end up in some horrid parallel universe where I grow up to be “uber rich and famous” and you sell all of our IM logs and make millions, instead of living happily ever after in Canda. That would be teeeeerrible, lolololol.</p>
<p>Cockroaches. B’s (but not anymore). I freak out when I see cockroaches 50m away, lol.</p>
<p>One other day I saw a cricket creeping into my room. I am just as afraid of them as I am of cockroaches. He was approaching my study table but stopped 2m away. I made all kinds of shouting and begging at him (to go away) and he DID go away after standing there for a minute. lololol. I felt guilty for doing that to him as he slowly disappearred into the darkness.</p>
<p>Potatoes. They are disgusting and repulsive and I have a phobia of being around them and coming in physical contact with them. Even the smell of mashed potatoes makes me sick.</p>
<p>Never building a big boat, not going to college because of money, spiders and other stalkish bugs that could be anywhere (did you know there’s always a spider within 5 feet of you?)</p>
<p>When my Mom was in college, she got so used to cockroaches that she named the ones in her apartment and counted them as they crawled over her ceiling as she was trying to go to sleep.</p>
<p>Heights (unsubstantiated), swimming (almost drowned as a child), herpes (uncurable STI that doesn’t kill), ebola (melting internal organs), and going to Rutgers (I admit it).</p>