<p>How do you activate the fee waiver on the common app? I ticked the box and signed the eligibility criteria, and my counselor was supposed to provide a supporting statement, but I still haven't received an email from Yale telling me that my application fee was waived. </p>
<p>Can somebody help me get my head around this? I'll be much obliged...</p>
<p>Can someone PLEASE answer that? It’s super-urgent :’(</p>
<p>You dont get an email. you’ll get it when u press submit</p>
<p>But surely I need to pay before submitting my application? And on my dash it says that my councelor ‘started’ the fee waiver thing, not that it is complete.</p>
<p>On the other hand, on the Yale website it says that you don’t really need to do anything aside from pressing the button saying that you are eligible for a fee waiver, so now I’m even more confused
<p>Any ideas anyone?</p>
<p>BUMP. An opinion? Pretty please?</p>
<p>Your guidance counselor must confirm the fee waiver on the Common App (from what I understand they just have to check a box on their account). Once they’ve confirmed it the status should say “Submitted” instead of “Started”. Then when you go to submit your app and you get to the payment screen it’ll say your fee has been waived and you won’t have to pay.</p>
<p>so are you trying to tell me that I won’t be able to send my application in time? Great…</p>
<p>We submitted the application and then we faxed the fee waiver at a later time. You will be fine.</p>