Feedback on UW Engineering School

<p>How does UW's College of Engineering rank among other top schools in the county, e.g. Cornell, Georgia Tech etc.? Positives, negatives and any inside info that would help me make a decision.</p>

<p>I’m an Electrical Engineering student and love it here. UW Engineering ranks very highly among other top tier universities. What type of engineering are you thinking about?</p>

<p>Environmental or geological EGR.</p>

<p>Do your homework. Look at your proposed fields at schools that interest you. Check the courses required for the major. Check on the criteria for getting into the major. Notice courses available in it. Read about job placement and other departmental news. You don’t want the most highly rated by the numbers, you want the best fit for you. Many good schools out there likely to prepare you equally well. You need to evaluate them in the context of your lifestyle as well as the academics. College experience you can’t repeat.</p>

<p>^^thanks for vanilla response. accepted 2 weeks ago in EGR but other schools are under consideration. hoping for more inside knowledge re: enviro or geo.</p>

<p>You must have upper class standing to already be in the specific school. Why would you want to transfer? All incoming freshmen are admitted to the university as a whole, not a specific school/college. Once you are accepted to UW you need to fulfill requirements to get admitted to Engineering- some majors are competitive. Assumed you were a HS/potential UW student trying to decide where to go to college. You provide “vanilla” data, you get generic answers. It is always up to you to do the research- we are not a substitute for it (why would you trust online forums instead of your own evaluations, anyhow?).</p>

<p>^Transfer? Not. HS senior. I’m rec’d acceptance for class of 2016. I applied for admittance to EGR and accept letter says Coll of EGR. I understand one applies for specific “major” after 22-24 prereq courses. I’ve done more evals than you need to know. Just hoping for more insight from those that are in program. I presume you are not. Tysonwill response is what I’m looking for.</p>

<p>I have to say my daughter’s experience as a sophomore pre chem E (applying this semester and felt no rush or concern about getting in and in fact liked exploring a few types of engineering her first year) from HER point of view was that the ENG school ran an amazing on site internship interview program, she met many companies, fabulous ones. One took her to dinner with other students including PhD students. She met amazing alums. She felt well prepared and informed for the process they had great workshops and she already has an amazing internship for next summer as a sophomore. That crosses all ENG fields and it is important in ENG. She picked UW specifically for Chem E, the specific type of engineering is important.</p>

<p>^^thanks for the comments. What I’m looking for. I’ve EA from Ivy and 2 others but UW has strong sentimental pull but don’t want to base decision on family history.</p>