Feeder schools

<p>Do certain companies like to hire from certain schools? Does it help to go to a certain school if you're looking to get hired by a certain company?</p>

<p>For example, do Shell and Exxon hire a lot of people from Texas and Texas A&M? Do they recruit these schools more? Are there people at these schools that have connections to oil companies that can help get you an interview over someone from another school on par with these schools? Thanks doodz.</p>

<p>meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg meg</p>

<p>Companies hire students from every school. At weaker schools, you probably have to be the best. I know Lockheed Martin has a list of 27 target schools where they hire most from. Of course, they hire from schools not on the list as well. But most of their employees come from the target schools.</p>

<p>smells like ■■■■■.</p>

<p>Smells like teen spirit</p>

<p>Yes companies like to recruit from certain schools. But that doesn’t mean going to these schools will get you a job there likewise it also doesn’t mean not going to school there will make it harder to get a job there.</p>