Feeling the Pressure

<p>First off, I want to thank everyone for selling UA to me. This experience has been fantastic. I had a meeting with my regional recruiter, Jonathan Hurt, who was amazing (and hooked me up with a bunch of free UA gear). I also recently received my Presidential and Honors letters.
There have been numerous emails sent to me about the February 1st deadline for priority housing. I have applied to many other schools, many of which I won’t hear back from until the end of March. The way it has been conveyed to me by the residence office, confirming that late will leave me with slim pickings. There are also numerous limited enrollment events (camp of 1831) which students are also starting to fill up.
I fear that if I send in deposits on or around April 1st I will be blocked out of honors housing and missing some really significant first year experiences. Yet I can’t be the only student who is waiting for RD decisions from other schools, right?</p>

<p>you can place your deposits if you would like to guarantee yourself a place in some of the things you mentioned. if they are not that important to you, don’t.</p>

<p>every school does things a little bit differently.</p>

<p>you probably know what you <strong>want</strong> to do. if UA is at the top of your list, then you might want to think about deposits. if it is just somewhere on the list and you are not that interested, then you might want to save your $$.</p>

<p>idk if you have scholarship offers at UA. do you think you are going to get a better financial package from another school? or are you just waiting for an acceptance from a dream school.</p>

<p>only you can know what is right for you.</p>

<p>my student waited until late to make a deposit. and it wasn’t for acceptances, she just couldn’t make up her mind! it did cause us some stress, but everything worked out fine in the end. (she got a room in the dorm she wanted etc.)</p>

<p>My son is in a similar situation. He has not sent In a housing deposit yet as he is still waiting to hear from RD schools. He will be visiting UA for the first time next weekend, so will hopefully have a better idea of how likely he is to attend after his visit. I’m hoping that it’s not too late to get honors housing; since he didn’t deposit by 2/1, I’m not terribly optimistic. </p>

<p>We’re in the exact same boat. We won’t even be able to visit Bama until our son has spring break at the end of March. He’s still waiting to hear from too many schools for us to make a decision yet. You are not alone. And unlike a lot of schools, I get the impression that most on-campus housing at Bama is pretty nice, so don’t panic.</p>