<p>hey guys i am an indian student frm hyderabad...im in my intermediate 2nd year! i m gng to atempt SAT this october...i have checkd out univs lk Princeton,NYU,UC...etc...i see their academic fees is high(35-40 lakh rupees per annum)</p>
<p>So i have turned up to NUS and NTU...how much is the fees?</p>
<p>are they any financial aid available?</p>
<p>how is life there? Job prospects later after my undergrad.</p>
<p>My dad can spent 10lakh rupees on my college every year i guess...</p>
<p>Plz tell me any other options if u know abt them....:)</p>
<p>Hi CollegeKidieHunk, NUS’s and NTU’s tuitions vary with the faculty/major you’re in and whether you’re under the MOE Tuition Grant. The MOE Tuition grant is a form of fin aid directly provided by the government. Basically, under the grant, you have to work in Singapore for a minimum of 3 years upon graduation in exchange for subsidized tuition; it’s a contract of sorts. Some schools do have scholarships available for non-Singaporeans. Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with them but here are links to those offered at NUS and NTU: [Scholarships</a> for Freshmen: Non-Singapore Citizens](<a href=“http://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/UndergraduateAdmissions/Pages/FreshmenNonSingapore.aspx]Scholarships”>http://admissions.ntu.edu.sg/UndergraduateAdmissions/Pages/FreshmenNonSingapore.aspx)
[NUS</a> - Office of Admissions : Scholarship](<a href=“http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/scholarships/freshmen/scholarship-international.html]NUS”>404 - Page not found)</p>
<p>As for fees, these are the links on NUS’s and NTU’s tuition rates for the 13-14 year:
<a href=“https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf[/url]”>https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf</a>
<a href=“http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/oad2/website_files/finaid/tutionFees_1314.pdf[/url]”>http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/oad2/website_files/finaid/tutionFees_1314.pdf</a></p>
<p>Other colleges in Singapore you may want to check out are Yale-NUS College, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) but also Singapore Management University (SMU). You can check out their respective fees and scholarships available on their websites.</p>
<p>In terms of life in Singapore, I would say that although Singapore may feel really small and boring at times, life is generally good – (public) transportation is cheap and there’s a wide variety of food ranging from Cuban to Indian to Western available. However, I must warn you that Singapore’s cost of living in general has gone up over the years. There have also been increased cases of train break downs and crime but from my perspective, Singapore’s quite safe and it’s public transportation’s still reliable. As I am not a student in college, I can’t give you an idea of what university life is like here in Singapore. Perhaps another member of the forum will be able to give you their perspective. Alternatively, you can go onto other Singapore forums to gain a better idea of what it’s like.</p>
<p>Hey prospect12 thank u so much!!
i have been to singapore once (3days at sentosa nd sing¡)…trust me! I loved it!! Ya I guess the cost of living Is high! Anyway thanks a lot bro! :D</p>