Fellows Semi Finalist

<p>Did You Know? Info you might find helpful</p>

<p>The University of Alabama is ranked among the top 50 public universities in the nation for the ninth consecutive year in U.S. News and World Report’s annual college rankings, fall 2009.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama ranked 10th in the nation among public universities in the enrollment of National Merit Scholars in the 2009 freshman class.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama led the nation with a record 10 students named to USA Today’s 2010 All-USA College Academic Team. UA has had great success in placing students on this national team that honors the “best of the best” undergraduate academic all-stars from across the nation, having placed 46 students on the team since 2003. In addition to this year, UA also had the most students on the list in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009 and tied for the top spot in 2007. </p>

<p>Enrollment at The University of Alabama reached a record high of 30,232 for fall 2010. The entering freshman class, at 5,563 students, is the largest in UA history.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama has a dramatic impact on the economy of Alabama, returning three dollars for every one dollar invested in the University by the State. UA each year contributes $1.8 billion to the state’s economy.</p>

<p>The UA School of Law is ranked 30th in the nation in U.S. News and World Report’s 2010 edition of the annual “Best Graduate Schools” publication. The UA School of Library and Information Studies is ranked 22nd in the nation.</p>

<p>UA’s undergraduate business program ranked 35th among public undergraduate business schools in U.S. News and World Report’s annual college rankings, fall 2009, and 57th when private universities are included.</p>

<p>The Center for College Affordability and Productivity ranks The University of Alabama seventh in the nation among public universities in a study published in Forbes magazine, May 2008. Criteria included student evaluations, graduation rates, the percentage of students winning top national awards, and professional achievement of graduates.</p>

<p>UA is regularly ranked among the top 100 public universities in Kiplinger’s annual list of colleges and universities that combine “great academics and affordable tuition.”</p>

<p>The University of Alabama debate and forensics program has won 16 national debate championships.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama’s graduates and students include 15 Rhodes Scholars, 29 Goldwater Scholars, 12 Truman Scholars, 13 Hollings Scholars, two Javits Fellows, one Udall Scholar and one Portz Scholar.</p>

<p>One in five freshmen enrolled in UA’s Honors College for fall 2008. These 1,065 students scored in the top 2 percent nationally on the ACT.</p>

<p>UA is #1 in the nation in enrollment and graduation of minority doctoral students under the Southern Regional Education Board’s Minority Doctoral Scholars Program. A total of 66 SREB fellows have completed their doctorates at UA, and 20 SREB doctoral fellows are currently enrolled in this program that encourages minority students to pursue doctoral degrees and become college-level professors.</p>

<p>UA is one of the top five public flagship universities in the nation in the enrollment of African-American students. For the 2008-2009 academic year, African-Americans represent 11.3 percent of the student body.</p>

<p>The public relations program at The University of Alabama is ranked second in the nation according to new rankings produced and published in PRWeek Magazine. UA is the highest ranked university that offers both graduate and undergraduate programs.</p>

<p>Participation in original research and creative activities is becoming a hallmark of the undergraduate experience at The University of Alabama. More than 250 undergraduates showcased their research and creative activity projects at UA’s spring 2009 “Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference.” </p>

<p>The University of Alabama has been named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll by the Corporation for National and Community Service. The Community Service Honor Roll is the highest federal recognition a school can achieve for its commitment to service learning and civic engagement.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama has been selected by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching for its 2008 Community Engagement Classification. The designation recognizes UA as one of the nation’s premiere institutions in community outreach and scholarship, and it underscores UA’s commitment to apply its resources and expertise to address critical community needs.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama has been engaged in an aggressive program to upgrade and expand facilities, opening more than 20 new facilities over the last five years. The new Science and Engineering building and the Ridgecrest South residential community opened in August 2009 and the Capstone College of Nursing building is scheduled for completion in 2010.</p>

<p>This year alone, more than 900 University of Alabama students will receive a total of more than $2.3 million in scholarships provided by the National Alumni Association. The UA National Alumni Association is among the nation’s leading public-university-based comprehensive associations, ranking among the top 10 in alumni support.</p>

<p>Founded in 1831, The University of Alabama is the state’s first university.</p>

<p>^^^Only one thing to say about that. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>@Robotbldmom, we did see those on the QuickFacts page on the UA website. Thanks. Son did a lot of careful research before choosing Bama. </p>

<p>His other choices were Vanderbilt, Princeton, William & Mary, and Washington Univ. at St. Louis.</p>

<p>^^^Can’t go wrong there! Congratulations.</p>

<p>The mail just arrived and nothing from Bama again today. Big all day storm rolling in for tomorrow so probably no mail delivery… which means DS probably has another 48 hours yet to get the letter.</p>

<p>^Same here. My son has not received any notification yet – not a rejection, and not an acceptance. And it seems that both rejections and acceptances are coming through the US mail, as opposed to email.</p>

<p>We’ll see what happens …</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten a notification yet either. Does that mean I’m not a SF?</p>

<p>Well Bama’s out.</p>

<p>It’s weird, though. I was expecting to get accepted to UFE and rejected for Emory Scholars, but I’m an Emory Scholars SF instead? Whatever, everything happens for a reason.</p>

<p>D was semi-finalist and we have not received notification either way - We live in PA, Nothing in US mail or Crimson Mail, today.</p>

<p>^^I think that throughout some of these UFE threads, different people are using “semi-finalist” and “finalist” differently.</p>

<p>If I’m reading people’s posts correctly, some are referring to the invitation to conduct a phone interview as qualifying for semi-finalist, and other people are referring to the opportunity to attend the interview weekend as qualifying for semi-finalist. I’m not sure what the proper terminology is! :)</p>

<p>kph2011, were you selected for a phone interview? And you haven’t heard anything since? If that’s the case, I would not say you’ve been eliminated yet. It sounds to me like people are getting letters of rejection or letters of acceptance in the mail, which takes different lengths of time for different people. If you were not invited for a phone interview, on the other hand, then I would say that, yes, you are not in the running for UFE.</p>

<p>ind500, I’m guessing you’re calling your D a semi-finalist because she was invited to interview on the phone, right? And you haven’t heard anything since the phone interview? That’s the same boat we’re in. Don’t know if that means my son is a “semi-finalist” already, or if he’s only called a “semi-finalist” after he receives an invitation to the UFE interview weekend! lol</p>

<p>Semi-finalists are the people who receive the phone interviews. Finalists are selected from the semi-finalists and are the people who are invited to campus for the interview weekend. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>^Ah. Thanks for explaining! :slight_smile:
So, my son is a semi-finalist, and ind500’s daughter is a semi-finalist, and if you had a phone interview, kph2011, then you ARE a semi-finalist. :)</p>

<p>SimpleLife _ What part of the country are you from? It looks like two people on this forum did receive finalist letters in the US mail. Do they live close to Tuscaloosa and not the Northeast? To have a phone interview last Wednesday - it would be tough to find out by regular mail the results by 1/31. Since the semi-finalist letter came via Alabama e-mail the quickest way to notify finalist would be that route. </p>

<p>Alabama has a lot to offer not just the UFE program. Roll Tide…</p>

<p>I am just asking if anyone receives a letter - let us know what part of the county they are from. The folks closer to the UA will probably get word sooner. Of course the huge storm system from Oklahoma to the NE will probably delay the mail.</p>

<p>We loved our visit to Alabama this past December. It is at the very top of D’s list and we have a S that is in his junior year that may be looking hard at Bama next year…</p>

<p>We got original rejection letter for the whole thing the middle of last week. I think they should have just emailed those kids too, I think a lot of them were on some kind of forum and realized they did not get it anyway. That way kids would not have been checking email for two or three days thinking they might get something. They could put that money spent on stamps towards something else. Approx. 500 rejection letters is around 220.00 at standard rates. For finalists, they would want a letter for themselves because it is nice to have, but they could email those results too for planning purposes and send a letter later. Speaking of mail, we get some kind of card from Alabama weekly. I feel like saying " alright already, she is going to Alabama." BTW we are in the Southeast.</p>

<p>ind500: I live in PA, and received a finalist acceptance letter today in the mail.
I emailed Mrs.Bridgers yesterday, and she seemed to say that both acceptance and rejection notices were sent out in the mail Friday. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>We get more mail from Alabama than our State Schools, too. They could learn sometime from Alabama ( one of the top Pr programs in the country)…Roll Tide</p>

<p>We get a good bit from AU too, although those usually get tossed. RTR</p>

<p>The holiday card was our favorite of the season (even our friends :wink: Roll Tide</p>

<p>DD received the finalist letter two days ago—Pacific Northwest.</p>

<p>My son received his finailist notification on Monday. He’s pumped! And, of course, so are mom & dad.</p>