Fellows Semi Finalist

<p>Howtheheck: I think some of the schools you’ve mentioned earlier may not mail decisions until April 1st (or at least the end of March,) so while as a parent I completely understand how you’d like the decision made by March 1st, you may be stuck waiting a little while longer. Spring of senior year can feel soooooooooo long!</p>

<p>Best of luck to your family!</p>

<p>HowtheHeck: Did Alabama tell your son that he had to decide by March 1? That shouldn’t be the case, since a NMF has until the end of April to give his/her first choice school. That should be the case with most schools, too. I know my son was still receiving NM offers, including airfare and hotel from some schools in late April.</p>

<p>FYI … The CBHP emails have begun!</p>

<p>My D just got the finalist e-mail too! She is SO excited! Looking forward to another visit to T-town Feb 26 - 28. My wife has not been yet, so she’s excited to see what all the fuss is about! :-)</p>

<p>Maybe we’ll meet some of you while we’re there!</p>

<p>FYI … The CBHP emails have begun!</p>

<p>My D just got the finalist e-mail too! She is SO excited! Looking forward to another visit to T-town Feb 26 - 28. My wife has not been yet, so she’s excited to see what all the fuss is about! :-)</p>

<p>Maybe we’ll meet some of you while we’re there!</p>

<p>^^^ Sorry for the double post, must have double-clicked the Post button …</p>

<p>Wow, I am glad I clicked on this thread. My son was also disappointed that he did not make UFE. He has good stats (34 ACT, 3.9 u/w GPA, good EC’s) and was not even selected as a semi-finalist. In seeing others on here who were not selected and their stats we can certainly see that those who were selected must truly be exceptional.</p>

<p>ind500, my son is in the same boat as your daughter. He just missed NMSF in NC but has received the Presidential scholarship. However thanks to M2CK, I know there is also the Crimson scholarship that is still a possibility. This is a full scholarship similar to NMF and is awarded to high academic achievers. Obviously there is no guarantee but your daughter could still be selected for that scholarship. That is what we are hoping for anyway since my son really likes Alabama.</p>

<p>I finally got a letter in the mail today telling me I wasn’t selected as a finalist :frowning: It did say that there were only 100 semifinalists chosen and the majority weren’t chosen as finalists. I was under the impression that there were about 60 kids chosen to fly to the campus for an interview. Have I been misinformed? Because otherwise over half of the semifinalists would’ve been chosen, which would be the majority.</p>

<p>*I was under the impression that there were about 60 kids chosen to fly to the campus for an interview. *</p>

<p>I think they fly in around 45-50. I’ve never heard 60.</p>

<p>Hi, we still have not gotten a letter from Alabama about UFE. It is a good thing we called. Daughter still really likes Bama and signed up for housing yesterday. Have not signed up for the May honors Bama bound yet, as there are two Ivy schools that we should hear from by April first. Hopefully, their mail will get to us…</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the housing works at Alabama? Do they do any matching or honor dorm preference?</p>

<p>Once you pay your housing deposit you (she) will be able to sign up for roommate finder and create a profile to look for a roommate. It is actually pretty helpful in conjunction with facebook. Room selection dates are dependent upon when her housing deposit is paid and participation in honors or another live/learn community. As you may already know, some dorms are honors only and some have honors housing on certain floors.</p>

<p>By the way, our letter finally came today. Really disappointed in the late notification, but not upset about it. It does not take away from any of these kids to be eliminated. Simply qualifying to apply and being chosen as SF put her with peers who also had excellent qualifications. She will be successful, happy, and well-adjusted anyway because that is who she already is and Bama is an excellent school.</p>

<p>She could choose from many prestigious schools and she has…the University of Alabama! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>The email that I got about details for UFE weekend said that there were 60 finalists.</p>

<p>*Does anyone know how the housing works at Alabama? Do they do any matching or honor dorm preference? *</p>

<p>She needs to deposit ASAP!</p>

<p>As for finding roommates…it seems to me that many kids have the best luck finding roomies thru that Facebook application. Has your child joined Alabama Class of 2015 (or whatever the FB group is called)?</p>

<p>I hope people are not misreading my posts. The whole family has been impressed with Alabama- the staff; student opportunities; outstanding facilities; engineering quad; music department;housing. D is planning on attending. We have deposited money for tuition and housing - but have not received an email about selecting a dorm or room. However, I was reading on th Bama site that deposits are due by March 1 and then I think room selections begin- not sure, though.</p>

<p>This forum has been helpful. D was not disappointed in UFE outcome - she was nervous about the phone interview and excited to have the opportunity to revisit the campus and meet some other incoming honor students - not many in our area. We will be back.</p>

<p>I will tell her about the Facebook group. She did not apply for CBHP as service is more her thing.
Thanks for all the info…Roll Tide</p>

<p>Letter finally came in the mail today… It’s a no here. He doesn’t sound disappointed so that’s good. :)</p>

<p>Hello, fellows weekend is over. How did everybody feel about it? Does any one know when acceptences go out?</p>