<p>I had to find out who Charles Potter and “DFS” are so I Googled him. Here’s his story:</p>
<p>"About DFS
By Charles Potter, Founder DFS</p>
<p>"In September of 1989, I went to a college financial aid office to see why my daughter was not getting financial aid. I handed the individual my Student Aid Report and without opening the letter, she said I made too much money to get financial aid. How was she able to determine that without opening the letter? I would not find out until a year later.</p>
<p>"At a special college workshop, I met a man that had a unique company. The mission of his company was to show upper-middle income and above individuals, “Rich People” how to get financial aid. That is right! Rich people could get financial aid. To my surprise, there was nothing unethical or illegal in what he did. He simply explained the financial aid formula and applied it to the individual’s circumstance.</p>
<p>"Here is one strategy. In 1990, to classify a student as independent, the parents deleted the student from their income tax return two consecutive years in a row. The student would not have to enter parent’s information on the financial aid application. People who knew this simply dropped their student from their 1040 when they were sophomores in high school. Their student could ride in their limo to pick up their financial aid.He also pointed out how some one living in a housing project not knowing the financial aid formula, would be told they were not able to get financial aid to attend a community college.</p>
<p>"After spending eight hours with him, I knew what I had to do. I had to show everyone I could what the total process for selecting a career, a college or university, and how to get the selection funded.</p>
<p>“One of the most profound statements made in the workshop was, “Financial Aid is not education welfare, all working Americans contribute to the U. S. Department of Education via their tax dollars every April 15th whether they receive financial aid
or not. You owe it to your family to master the process so some of your tax dollars benefit your children when you need it. We are commited to helping you, your family, your church, or organization. Let us show you how by attending our award winning “12 Steps to College Success” seminar.”</p>
<p>Mr. Potter is apparently telling parents that financial aid is a mysterious maze that can only be worked to one’s advantage if one knows all the secrets and tricks. Not surprisingly, he maintains that he has all the secrets and tricks. And even less surprisingly, the “12 Steps” can be yours in book form, a $49.95 value but available on his website for only $29.95!</p>