finacial aid for a friend

<p>hi everone,</p>

<p>a friend of mine was accepted into mansfield university this coming fall. he lives in pennsylvania. the problem is, he has no way to pay for it. he's getting 2650 from a stafford loan, and has about 4000 saved up to put towards it.. he applied for a regular loan but was turned down. his mom said she would cosign for a loan for one year but if he gets one B she will never cosign for anything again - plus apparently she has some outstanding loans and her credit isn't that good so they don't know if that will even be approved. apparently he made too much money last year to be awarded a pell grant. my friend plans on majoring in german. he actually graduated high school a few years ago, went to community college for a year, but had to stop due to financial reasons and is now very eager to go back to college this coming fall. does anyone have any suggestions on where he can come up with the extra money to afford it? i told him he should email the financial aid office and see if they can do anything for him..</p>

<p>I would suggest he complete community college first & then try transferring. Community colleges are generally MUCH cheaper and help students get credits & experiences so they can succeed when they transfer into college. He could also call, write or e-mail Mansfield U & explain the situation & see if they have any suggestions, like perhaps increasing work-study (if it's not already at the maxium).</p>

<p>Hey fendergirl!
As you know (but probably not many CC'ers do) Mansfield is one of our State colleges and they typically give no aid, but the worse the fin aid office can say is no. Will he be living on campus or commuting from home? If the latter he might consider working and going to school part time after the one year at Mansfield. It does seem like the best course of action would be a CC for another year, get that gpa up and see about transferring to a college that gives good merit and financial aid. </p>

<p>My husband has an interesting college bio. He went to college at a State U for a year, stayed out for a year and worked, married me, got an Associates degree, and then went back to school as a full time junior and got hs BS in engineering. Not the smoothest path but he was a very motivated student when he decided to get his BS and graduated with honors.</p>

<p>he'll be living on campus.. mansfield is on the other side of the state. he really didn't like his local community college and it costs more to go to another one (i believe?). he also doesnt get along well with his parents and really wants to move out to go to school. even if he did the community college thing he'd wind up moving out and paying rent, which wouldn't allow much saving for when he did decide to go to a regular school.</p>

<p>Might he consider ROTC? Or joining the military and using the GI Bill or whatever its equivalent is nowadays?</p>